The Knight King Who Returned With a God Chapter 17


The Knight King Who Returned with a God is an engaging fantasy manga with an exciting plot and interesting characters, sure to enthrall readers with its thrilling action and beautiful artwork.

John and Mond continue their philosophical debate in Chapter 17. Mond supports Newman’s contention that religion arises when individuals experience loss and weakness within society.

Wart and Lyo-look

The Knight King who returned to God has won over hearts worldwide. Now in its 17th chapter, this popular light book series has already gripped fans around the globe with its engaging characters and spectacular imagery; many eagerly anticipate its next chapter to arrive! This exciting tale promises another stunning chapter.

While jousting, Kay forgets her sword at home, and Wart rushes back to retrieve it, but the inn is already closed. On his journey back, Wart noticed an obscure sword lodged in a stone. After contemplating it for several moments, he managed to pull it out and bring it back with him. After several attempts, a weapon belonging to Kay and Sir Ector was returned to him.

Merlyn instructs Wart with essential life lessons by changing him into various animals, which instill in him skills necessary for being king, such as a sense of duty, courage, and compassion—qualities integral to good leadership. Furthermore, Merlyn emphasizes the significance of knowing one’s limitations; an ant and a pike are metaphors for war and totalitarianism, respectively.

As Wart works to become a better knight, he meets Lyo-look, an adorable goose named Lyo-look who becomes his friend and teacher. From Lyo-look, he learns how to fly steadily while also discovering birdsong from its source in nature and learning of the White Fronts.

Wart and Merlyn arrive at a castle, and upon entering, they are surprised to encounter someone dressed in knight’s clothing—Arthur himself! As they become friends, they realize they must join forces to create a peaceful kingdom.

The next day, Wart is sent to London for his inaugural tournament as a knight. While there, he meets Lancelot. They begin training together and eventually form an unbreakable bond founded on mutual respect for one another’s abilities and their shared desire to make the world better for everyone.

Merlyn and Archimedes

Merlyn lives in a cottage deep within the forest with his trusty owl companion, Archimedes, spending their days discussing philosophy and pondering future possibilities. But, against Archimedes’ wishes, Merlyn uproots them from their solitude to tutor Arthur—two often-bickering characters who bond over a shared love of learning.

After Arthur is knighted, Sir Ector informs them of an upcoming tournament in London. Kay must enter this competition as the prize consists of winning a Questing Beast, even though this decision does not please Arthur personally. Nonetheless, Arthur obeys his father.

Arthur and Wart travel through the Forest Sauvage when they encounter a noseless madman, an eyepatch-wearing individual, and various other strange characters. Finally, they meet King Pellinore, who is searching for something called a “questing beast.”

At last, they arrive at Merlin’s cave. He informs them that Arthur’s committee wants to restore him to wart form through remedial education; however, he decides against this option and instead gives Arthur a magical brain massage that rejuvenates his intellect.

Merlyn reveals himself to Arthur as the same wizard who taught him. Arthur initially protests but reluctantly agrees to participate in the ceremony. Before departing, Merlyn gives an impressive lecture about the importance of education.

Merlyn then uses different animals to teach Arthur about warfare and humanity’s ferocity. Arthur does not trust Merlyn about future knowledge, so Merlyn reminds him that they will be remembered centuries later; this makes Arthur feel better, although he still believes his teachings were false. On their final lesson day at Pook’s Hill Tent Camp, Merlyn will also bring Arthur.

Kay and Wart

Kay is Sir Ector’s son and is initially presented as an overly demanding, dislikable character who acts like an immature child. However, his desire to become a knight only increases his selfishness. Throughout the book, Kay can often appear rude and self-absorbed but becomes more endearing when challenged to put others before himself and show courage under duress, such as when shooting the griffin with his rifle while simultaneously showing kindness towards it.

Wart is Kay’s squire, and they both hold great reverence for one another. Kay acknowledges Wart as his superior but ignores his advice and continues treating him as such. Wart may not possess as many hunting or sword-fighting skills as Kay, but he does his best to make Kay feel better about himself.

Once Kay becomes a knight, their relationship alters drastically. Kay becomes jealous of those who excel at things he doesn’t know much about; even his squire gets mad when he attempts to show something new or unfamiliar to him. Additionally, he can become very competitive and angry if people beat him in games.

As soon as he makes it as a knight, he thinks he’s unbeatable at everything—until one tournament in which he managed to pull his sword out of a stone without difficulty and was proud of himself for such an effortless performance—only later realizing how complex the feat was in reality.

Kay continues his fights in other tournaments and becomes even more arrogant. He dislikes losing when other people win; furthermore, he can often be very sarcastic, often distancing himself from Wart because they feel they have too many similarities to associate on an equal level.

Wart embarks on a journey to discover more about himself. He meets Merlin, an elderly and wise wizard with magical powers who takes Wart through various lessons—living as an ant, goose, and badger are among them—that teach him it is wiser to listen to others more knowledgeable than himself and refrain from killing animals unless their presence poses a direct threat to human lives.

Badger and Wart

Wart has come away from his adventures having learned one crucial lesson: regardless of his species or position in society, all animals should be treated equally and with respect. Furthermore, as king, he must always make ethical decisions that benefit his entire kingdom instead of just himself; taking advantage of power can only lead to its dilution and eventual loss.

Once the griffin has been killed, Kay wants its head for himself, but Wart refuses. He reasons that its sacrifice was necessary to preserve all living beings. When Robin Wood forbids it, he instead lets Kay take its head while warning that continuing down this path would result in similar results as what had happened with the griffin.

Wart quickly becomes dismayed at his knighting ceremony. He believes it should have been him to solve the riddle and saved England; instead, he begins sulking, which makes Sir Ector angry, and he sends him for help from Merlyn, who reminds him that learning something new is often the key to happiness.

Wart is angry when he arrives at the badger’s home and acts out by being contrary. Turning from the entrance, he sees a hedgehog curled into a tight ball containing sharp spikes. This makes Wart incredibly nervous until he finally gives in and agrees not to eat the hedgehog!

His badger friend tells Wart a tale about how man came to dominate animals, starting from when all living things appeared as shapeless embryos and were given choices of becoming claw-covered diggers, growing large teeth for cutting or remaining unchanged; some chose claws while others could opt to keep their original form; those remaining as they were given dominion over their fellow species by God—and thus Man had come to rule over all others; though Wart wonders if that dominion has since turned into an oppressive rule by human rulers over other species, with many cases of abuse coming their way from those with power positions over animals who are suffering greatly at man’s hands, tyrannies?

Wart cannot access the inn where he planned to meet Kay, as it has already closed. So he canters along a street and passes a churchyard with a sword lodged into a stone at its center. Wart sees this and attempts various techniques without success until he remembers Merlyn’s advice: unroll himself like a carpet to reveal it and pull out his sword from underneath his shirt collar.