Spiro Agnew’s Ghost: Uncovering the Mysteries


In the world of politics and history, Spiro Agnew remains a fascinating figure, known not only for his controversial tenure as Vice President of the United States but also for the enigmatic stories surrounding his legacy. In this article, we will delve deep into the intriguing realm of “Spiro Agnew’s Ghost” and attempt to unravel the mysteries that shroud this enigmatic persona.


Spiro Theodore Agnew, born on November 9, 1918, in Baltimore, Maryland, is primarily remembered as the 39th Vice President of the United States, serving under President Richard Nixon from 1969 to 1973. However, his political career was riddled with controversies, leading to his resignation. But what remains intriguing is the concept of “Spiro Agnew’s Ghost” that continues to haunt the political and cultural landscape.

The Rise of Spiro Agnew

Spiro Agnew’s rise in American politics was a noteworthy and relatively swift ascent that culminated in his becoming the Vice President of the United States. Here’s an overview of the key points in the rise of Spiro Agnew:

Early Life and Career: Spiro Theodore Agnew was born on November 9, 1918, in Baltimore, Maryland. He grew up in a working-class family and served in the U.S. Army during World War II. After the war, he attended law school at night while working during the day.

  • Entry into Politics: Agnew began his political career in Maryland during the early 1960s. In 1962, he was elected as the County Executive of Baltimore County, Maryland. This position allowed him to gain valuable administrative experience and visibility.
  • Governor of Maryland: In 1966, Agnew successfully ran for Governor of Maryland as a Republican candidate. His campaign focused on issues such as law and order, fiscal responsibility, and opposition to forced busing for school desegregation. He won the election and served as Maryland’s governor from 1967 to 1969.
  • Selection as Vice Presidential Candidate: Agnew’s tough stance on law and order and his reputation as a strong conservative caught the attention of Richard Nixon, the Republican nominee for President in the 1968 election. In a move to appeal to conservative voters, Nixon chose Agnew as his running mate, surprising many political observers.
  • Election as Vice President: In the 1968 presidential election, Nixon and Agnew won against the Democratic ticket of Hubert Humphrey and Edmund Muskie. Spiro Agnew was inaugurated as Vice President on January 20, 1969.
  • Role as Vice President: As Vice President, Agnew played a secondary but important role in the Nixon administration. He was known for his strong criticisms of the media and political opponents, often using colorful and confrontational language in his speeches.
  • Resignation and Scandal: Agnew’s political career took a dramatic turn in 1973 when he became embroiled in a corruption scandal. He was accused of accepting bribes and kickbacks during his time as a Maryland politician. In October 1973, Agnew pleaded no contest to a single count of tax evasion and resigned from the vice presidency. This marked the first resignation of a U.S. vice president due to criminal charges.
  • After Resignation: After resigning as Vice President, Agnew largely retreated from the political spotlight. He faced legal troubles, paid fines, and was disbarred as a lawyer. He wrote his memoir and lived a relatively quiet life out of the public eye.

Controversial Tenure as Vice President

spiro agnews ghost

Spiro Agnew’s tenure as Vice President of the United States was marked by controversy, both in terms of his rhetorical style and his involvement in a corruption scandal. Here are some of the key debates and issues associated with Agnew’s time as Vice President:

  • Confrontational Rhetoric: One of the hallmarks of Spiro Agnew’s vice presidency was his belligerent and often inflammatory rhetoric. He frequently criticized the media, referring to journalists as “nattering nabobs of negativism” and accusing them of bias. His speeches were known for their harsh and divisive tone, which appealed to conservative and populist elements of the Republican Party but also fueled political polarization.
  • Opposition to Protest Movements: Agnew was a vocal critic of anti-Vietnam War protesters, civil rights activists, and other social movements of the era. He accused these groups of undermining law and order and sought to paint them as radical and unpatriotic.
  • Disagreements within the Nixon Administration: Agnew occasionally clashed with other members of the Nixon administration, particularly Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Agnew’s more hawkish stance on foreign policy and his criticism of Kissinger’s diplomacy sometimes led to tensions within the administration.
  • Corruption Scandal: The most significant controversy of Agnew’s tenure as Vice President was his involvement in a corruption scandal. He was accused of accepting bribes and kickbacks during his time as a Maryland politician, both as Baltimore County Executive and as Governor. The charges against him included conspiracy, extortion, and tax evasion.
  • Legal Troubles and Resignation: Facing mounting legal challenges, Agnew’s situation became untenable. In October 1973, he entered a plea of no contest to a single charge of tax evasion and resigned from the vice presidency. This marked the first and only time in U.S. history that a sitting vice president resigned due to criminal charges.
  • Legacy: Agnew’s resignation and legal troubles tarnished his political legacy. While he remained a divisive figure in American politics, some conservative Republicans continued to support him even after his resignation. However, he largely faded from the national political scene after leaving office.

Resignation and Legal Troubles

Spiro Agnew’s resignation and legal troubles marked a significant and unprecedented chapter in U.S. political history. Here’s a closer look at the circumstances surrounding his resignation and the legal challenges he faced:

  1. Legal Troubles and Investigation:
    • The legal troubles that eventually led to Spiro Agnew’s downfall began during his time as a Maryland politician, both as Baltimore County Executive and as Governor.
    • In 1973, Agnew came under investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice for alleged corruption, including accepting bribes and kickbacks.
    • The charges against Agnew included conspiracy, extortion, tax fraud, and bribery. He was accused of receiving illegal payments from contractors doing business with the state of Maryland.
  1. Resignation:
    • Facing mounting legal pressure and a potential trial, Agnew decided to take a plea deal to avoid more serious charges. On October 10, 1973, he entered a plea of no contest to a single charge of tax evasion.
    • In his resignation speech on the same day, Agnew cited the need to protect the office of the Vice President and avoid a protracted legal battle that would distract from the important work of the Nixon administration.
    • Agnew’s resignation marked the first time in U.S. history that a sitting vice president resigned due to criminal charges.
  1. Impact on the Nixon Administration:
    • Spiro Agnew’s resignation occurred against the backdrop of the Watergate scandal, which was engulfing the Nixon administration. Agnew’s departure added to the turmoil and crisis atmosphere of the era.
    • Agnew’s resignation led to the appointment of Gerald Ford as Vice President, who would later become the 38th President of the United States after Richard Nixon’s own resignation in August 1974.
  1. Legal Consequences:
    • After his resignation, Spiro Agnew was sentenced to three years of probation and fined $10,000 for the tax evasion charge to which he had pleaded no contest.
    • He also faced disbarment, losing his license to practice law.
  1. Post-Resignation Life:
    • Following his resignation and legal troubles, Agnew largely retreated from the public eye. He wrote his memoir, titled “Go Quietly… Or Else,” in which he defended his actions and criticized the media.
    • Agnew did not play a significant role in national politics after leaving office and lived a relatively quiet life out of the spotlight.
    • He passed away on September 17, 1996, at the age of 77.

Life After Politics

After resigning as Vice President of the United States and facing legal troubles, Spiro Agnew largely retreated from the political spotlight. Here’s a glimpse into his life after politics:

  • Legal Consequences: Following his resignation in 1973, Spiro Agnew faced legal consequences related to his tax evasion plea. He was sentenced to three years of probation and fined $10,000. Additionally, he was disbarred, which meant he lost his license to practice law.
  • Memoir: Agnew wrote an autobiography titled “Go Quietly… Or Else,” which was published in 1980. In this book, he defended his actions during his political career, criticized the media, and shared his perspective on the events that led to his resignation.
  • Low Public Profile: After his resignation, Agnew kept a relatively low public profile. He did not actively participate in national politics or seek elected office again. Instead, he led a more private life away from the political limelight.
  • Speaking Engagements: Occasionally, Spiro Agnew gave speeches and appeared at events, but his public appearances were limited compared to his earlier political career. He sometimes spoke on topics such as the media’s role in politics and offered his insights on contemporary issues.
  • Later Years: Agnew spent his later years in relative obscurity. He did not seek public office or involve himself in high-profile political activities. He lived a quieter life with his family.
  • Death: Spiro Agnew passed away on September 17, 1996, at the age of 77, in Berlin, Maryland. His death marked the end of a significant chapter in U.S. political history.

The Concept of “Spiro Agnew’s Ghost”

The concept of “Spiro Agnew’s Ghost” is a term that is not widely recognized in the broader political discourse. It appears to be a term or concept that has emerged relatively recently and may be used in specific discussions or contexts to describe certain political phenomena. However, it does not have the same level of established recognition as other political terms or concepts.

If you have a specific context or source where “Spiro Agnew’s Ghost” is being used, it would be helpful to provide more details or a specific reference so that I can better understand the intended meaning and offer a more precise explanation. Without further context, it is challenging to provide a comprehensive explanation of the concept.

Haunting or Symbolism?

The use of “Spiro Agnew’s Ghost” in political discourse is symbolic rather than literal. It’s a metaphorical way of describing political behavior or tactics that are reminiscent of Spiro Agnew’s controversial and confrontational style during his time as Vice President of the United States.

When people refer to “Spiro Agnew’s Ghost,” they are not suggesting that there is an actual supernatural entity haunting politics. Instead, they are drawing a parallel between certain aspects of Agnew’s political approach, such as his use of divisive rhetoric, personal attacks on opponents, and criticism of the media, and the behavior or tactics of contemporary politicians. It’s a symbolic way of highlighting similarities in political style and strategy.

Cultural References

Agnew’s name has popped up in various cultural references, from literature to music, reflecting the enduring fascination with his persona.

Spiro Agnew in Popular Media

While Spiro Agnew may not be a household name in popular media, there have been instances where he has been mentioned or portrayed in various forms of entertainment and media. Here are a few examples of Spiro Agnew’s appearances in popular culture:

  • Television: Spiro Agnew has been depicted or referenced in some television shows and documentaries that focus on historical or political themes. For instance, he has appeared in documentaries about the Nixon administration, including those discussing the Watergate scandal.
  • Film: Agnew’s role in the Nixon administration and his resignation have occasionally been depicted in films that explore the political climate of the time. These depictions may be brief and part of larger narratives about the era.
  • Literature: Some books and political biographies may mention Spiro Agnew and his tenure as Vice President, particularly in works that examine the Nixon administration, its challenges, and its controversies.
  • Political Satire: Like many politicians, Agnew has been a subject of political satire in various forms, including satire magazines, late-night television, and comedy sketches. Comedians and satirists have occasionally lampooned his aggressive style and outspoken rhetoric..

Debunking the Myths

There have been several myths and misconceptions associated with Spiro Agnew and his political career. Here are some common myths and the facts that debunk them:

Myth 1: Spiro Agnew was a political outsider.

  • Fact: While Agnew was not a widely known national figure before his selection as Richard Nixon’s running mate in 1968, he had a career in politics as Baltimore County Executive and Governor of Maryland before becoming Vice President.

Myth 2: Spiro Agnew was a staunch conservative.

  • Fact: Agnew is often associated with conservatism, but his political positions were somewhat complex. He took conservative stances on issues like law and order but also supported some progressive policies during his tenure as Governor of Maryland.

Myth 3: Spiro Agnew’s only notable contribution was coining the term “nattering nabobs of negativism.”

  • Fact: Agnew is best known for that phrase, but his role as Vice President was more substantial than one memorable quote. He played a part in the Nixon administration’s policy discussions and took on various diplomatic and political tasks.

Myth 4: Spiro Agnew’s resignation was solely due to his tax evasion charges.

  • Fact: Agnew’s resignation was prompted by his legal troubles, including charges of tax evasion, but it occurred amid broader investigations into his acceptance of bribes and kickbacks during his time as a Maryland politician.

Myth 5: Spiro Agnew’s resignation had no impact on American politics.

  • Fact: Agnew’s resignation had significant implications. It led to the appointment of Gerald Ford as Vice President, who later became President when Richard Nixon resigned. This sequence of events had a lasting impact on the presidency and the nation’s political landscape.

Myth 6: Spiro Agnew’s political career ended with his resignation.

  • Fact: While Agnew did leave office in disgrace, he remained somewhat active in public life after his resignation, writing his memoir and occasionally speaking on political topics.

Public Perception

spiro agnews ghost

Spiro Agnew’s public perception evolved significantly throughout his political career and in the years that followed. Here are some critical aspects of his public perception:

  • Early Career: Agnew’s early political career, particularly his time as Baltimore County Executive and Governor of Maryland, was marked by his reputation as a tough and effective administrator. He was seen as a rising star within the Republican Party and gained popularity for his law-and-order stance.
  • Vice Presidency: When Agnew was chosen as Richard Nixon’s running mate in 1968, he was initially viewed by many as a fresh face in national politics. His outspoken and aggressive style, which included criticism of the media and political opponents, appealed to a segment of conservative voters but also generated controversy.
  • Controversy and Resignation: Agnew’s public perception took a sharp downturn when he became embroiled in a corruption scandal. The accusations of accepting bribes and kickbacks damaged his image as a law-and-order advocate. His resignation in 1973 further eroded his standing, as it marked the first time a sitting vice president resigned due to criminal charges.
  • Post-Resignation: After leaving office, Agnew largely retreated from the national political scene. His public perception remained negative in the immediate aftermath of his resignation, as he faced legal consequences and disbarment.
  • Later Years: In the years following his resignation, Spiro Agnew’s public perception began to soften somewhat. He published his memoir, “Go Quietly… Or Else,” in 1980, which offered his perspective on his political career and legal troubles. Some supporters continued to view him as a victim of political persecution.
  • Historical Assessment: In historical assessments, Agnew is often remembered for his controversial rhetoric and his role in the Nixon administration. While his early political successes are acknowledged, his resignation amid scandal is a defining aspect of his legacy.

Legacy and Influence

Spiro Agnew’s legacy and influence in American politics and public life are complex and multifaceted. Here are some critical aspects of his legacy and impact:

  • Impact on Vice Presidency: Spiro Agnew’s resignation as Vice President in 1973 amid a corruption scandal marked a historic moment in U.S. politics. It was the first and, so far, only time that a sitting vice president has resigned due to criminal charges. This event had a lasting impact on how the office of the vice presidency is perceived and how individuals in that role are vetted.
  • Influence on Political Rhetoric: Agnew’s confrontational and sometimes inflammatory rhetoric, including his criticism of the media and political opponents, left a mark on political discourse. His use of colorful language and attacks on what he called “liberal elites” resonated with a segment of conservative voters and set a tone for some later conservative politicians.
  • Media Relations: Agnew’s criticism of the media, including his famous reference to journalists as “nattering nabobs of negativism,” contributed to a strain in the relationship between politicians and the press. This approach influenced subsequent politicians’ attitudes toward the media.
  • Impact on the Nixon Administration: While Agnew played a secondary role to President Richard Nixon, he was part of the Nixon administration during a turbulent time in American history. His presence as vice president during the Vietnam War, the civil rights movement, and the Watergate scandal are notable aspects of his legacy.
  • Mixed Historical Assessment: Historians and political analysts have provided diverse assessments of Spiro Agnew’s legacy. While he is recognized for his early successes as a county executive and governor, his controversial tenure as Vice President and his resignation amid scandal have overshadowed his achievements.
  • Impact on Maryland Politics: Agnew’s political career in Maryland is also part of his legacy. He served as Baltimore County Executive and Governor of Maryland, where he implemented policies and initiatives that left an impact on the state’s politics and governance.
  • Limited Long-Term Influence: Unlike some other political figures from his era, Spiro Agnew’s influence on the broader course of American politics has been relatively minor. While he had a high-profile and controversial tenure, he did not leave a long-lasting imprint on the national political landscape.


Spiro Agnew’s life and career remain shrouded in mystery and controversy. Whether you view him as a political ghost or a symbol of a bygone era, his story is undeniably fascinating.


Was Spiro Agnew the only Vice President to resign from office?

No, Spiro Agnew is one of two Vice Presidents in U.S. history to resign. The other is John C. Calhoun.

What were the specific charges against Spiro Agnew?

Agnew faced charges of tax evasion and accepting bribes while serving as Vice President.

Did Spiro Agnew ever return to politics after his resignation?

No, Agnew did not return to politics after his resignation. He pursued a career in business consulting and writing.

How did Spiro Agnew's controversial rhetoric impact his political career?

Agnew's confrontational style and criticisms of the media contributed to both his popularity among supporters and his notoriety among critics.

What is Spiro Agnew's lasting influence on modern politics?

Spiro Agnew's approach to rhetoric and politics continues to influence the way politicians engage with the media and the public, emphasizing the enduring nature of his legacy.

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