Find Real Relief With Axonics Therapy


Millions worldwide suffer from overactive bladder and fecal incontinence, an unpleasant condition in which strong urination urges or frequent night-time bathroom breaks can severely limit daily activities and potentially lead to accidents. If this sounds familiar, more accident-free living may be within reach!

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Axonics Therapy

Axonics Therapy offers an innovative solution for patients suffering from fecal incontinence, urinary incontinence, or urinary retention1. Backed by clinical studies, this cutting-edge procedure provides long-term bladder and bowel control through an implant made up of miniaturized technology.

Sacral neuromodulation is a non-surgical, minimally invasive treatment using tiny electrical pulses to stimulate your bladder and bowel nerves. If there is miscommunication between your brain and sacral nerves, overactive bladder symptoms such as uncontrollable urges to urinate or leakage of urine before reaching the toilet occur – even when your bladder is full – known as incontinence can develop due to overactivity of the bladder muscles. Sacral neuromodulation provides relief when this happens and improves communication between your brain and sacral nerves for better control over these issues.

Your doctor will follow a patient care pathway, a series of conservative treatments designed to reduce or eliminate your symptoms, before progressing onto more aggressive therapies such as Axonics Therapy for incontinence treatment. After conducting a comprehensive consultation, they may suggest Axonics Therapy as one potential way of helping you overcome incontinence.

At Axonics Therapy’s initial evaluation step, your physician will use a temporary system to test how the therapy can assist before you commit to long-term treatment. If successful, an outpatient surgery will occur where a micro-implant will be implanted beneath your skin in the upper region of your buttocks.

After having your Axonics implant implanted, a new chapter in your life begins with efficiently managing both bladder and bowel. Over time, you should notice an improvement in incontinence symptoms. The Axonics implant will allow you to live your best life, making plans without worrying how incontinence might disrupt them; plus, it requires no external power sources or rechargeable batteries to operate!

The Solution for Overactive Bladder and Fecal Incontinence

If you suffer from bladder or bowel incontinence, you understand its impact on daily life can be debilitating and frustrating. Luckily, modern medicine offers effective treatments that can help restore bladder control while increasing comfort and confidence levels in patients struggling with this issue.

Urinary incontinence is one of the most widespread types of incontinence, impacting people of all ages and being caused by either weak or overactive bladder muscles or by losing support systems in their abdomens.

Urinary incontinence can also result from pregnancy, childbirth, or menopause; a poor diet that causes bladder irritation; certain diseases that damage nerves that send signals between the bladder and brain; even occasional episodes can hinder people from leading a full and active lifestyle outside the home, keeping them from engaging with family, friends or community members.

An Overactive Bladder (OAB) can lead to sudden and unexpected leakage, often triggered by noise such as running water, hearing loud noises, or simply feeling an intense urge to urinate. OAB may lead to nocturia, which requires frequent bathroom breaks throughout the night and wetting pants or underwear when urine leaks through its outer clothing, causing wet patches on pants or underwear.

Like urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence involves stool leakage from the anal area. Like urinary, fecal incontinence may be caused by overactive or weak bladder muscles, loss of abdominal support structures, and certain diseases or medications.

Stress, urge and mixed, and overflow urinary incontinence are the four major types of incontinence. Stress incontinence involves sudden uncontrollable urges to urinate that result in leakage when your bladder becomes full; urge incontinence involves an urgent feeling to urinate that often manifests when rushing to get somewhere or arriving late at the bathroom; overflow urinary incontinence refers to leakage during an overflow bladder infection.

Overflow incontinence is the most severe form of urinary incontinence. When the bladder reaches capacity and cannot hold more fluid, its contents spill over its side into skin and clothing – often creating a burning sensation and smell associated with urine leakage.

People often think urinary or fecal incontinence is simply part of growing older, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Often, it can indicate an underlying medical problem that needs treatment; multiple effective therapies can provide natural relief from bladder and bowel incontinence so you can live a whole and happy life.