Zee Learn Anthem Against COVID-19


As India fights COVID-19, Zee Learn, in collaboration with SBI Life Insurance and Mindshare, produced an anthem to encourage the country to unite together during this trying time. Star protagonists from various shows joined together to sing it in their regional languages.

Mount Litera Zee School’s morning assembly started with the singing of their Zee Learn Anthem and an inspiring thought for the day from one of their school facilitators.

It’s a call to unity.

Students stood up for what they believed in despite teachers singling them out and peers staring down, forcing them to remain standing during the national anthem. Zee Learn, SBI Life Insurance, and Mindshare joined forces in supporting this effort and created an anthem that urges our country to come together against the COVID-19 epidemic and unify against it – it features 27-star protagonists from across India singing their respective languages to inspire audiences to one cohesive mass.