What You Should Know About Bugout Bags


A bugout bag contains everything necessary for 72 hours in an emergency, sometimes known as BOB (Be Ready of Dodge), grab bag, or GOOD bag (Get Out Of Dodge). Read the Best info about bugout bags.

A good bugout bag should contain the following:

  • Hand sanitizer.
  • Wet wipes for keeping hands clean when soap and water are unavailable.
  • A rain poncho to provide shelter in adverse weather.

The Backpack

Bugout bags are designed to be carried on foot (though vehicles may also be helpful). A proper backpack that fits well and distributes its weight evenly across shoulders and hips is essential; one with plenty of compartments to store gear should also be designed specifically for your body type.

Backpacking bags are ideal bugout bags because they’re designed to carry heavy loads over long distances. Tactical and travel bags may also work, though these options are bulkier.

Every family member should possess their bugout bag, though children may share some aspects with both parents within reason. A general guideline for keeping total bag weight under 20 pounds per person is achievable through backpack storage – something the 5.11 Rush 72 2.0 makes easy by being an excellent 72-hour bag backpack, used widely among law enforcement and military personnel alike.


Based on your climate, including at least one blanket in your bugout bag is wise. It will provide warmth if forced from home during an emergency, and it can also serve as a sleeping aid, covering you in case of a sudden cold snap or rainstorm.

Emergency blankets are lightweight, compact, and waterproof – essential in any bugout bag. When selecting one for your pack, it’s necessary to balance its versatility and how much space it occupies in your backpack.

Budget shoppers can still find quality survival gear. Look for outfitters specializing in used equipment or online marketplaces like eBay; many people receive quality gear as gifts or purchase it but end up not using it, offering it for less. This provides an incredible opportunity to build up items for your bugout bag and stock it with things.


Bugout bags (BOB) are emergency survival kits containing everything necessary for 72 hours after evacuating your home, commonly called grab bags, go bags or get-out-of-dodge kits.

Water is one of the most essential items that must be included in a bugout bag since humans cannot survive beyond a few days without it. We suggest stocking your bugout bag with enough to last at least three days without access to clean drinking water.

Remember that water is hefty and can quickly weigh down your bag if traveling for extended periods. Therefore, you must ensure you bring along enough to filter or disinfect any additional sources found in nature.

If you need to transport large volumes of water, padded strap backpacks are highly recommended to help evenly distribute their weight and avoid potential backaches associated with extended carrying.

First Aid

As easy as it is to get caught in the survival/prepping industry’s gear-buying vortex when selecting your bugout bag first aid kit, purchasing what seems like the ideal kit online may only sometimes be your only solution.

First aid kits should contain supplies to treat wounds and solutions for diarrhea, dehydration, and hypothermia. When purchasing an emergency first aid kit for survivalist use only.

When creating your bugout bag, be sure to include a selection of first aid supplies, as well as multi-tool or axe, multi-purpose tool, sunscreen, and insect spray for weather protection, a reliable knife for self-defense if possible, and lightweight so you can transport over long distances easily – too much weight will only slow you down further!

Identity Documents

Many people dedicate much thought and care when packing their bugout bags but need more effort regarding the documents they keep inside them. Living With Fire recommends keeping copies outside the bag for safety; storing documents within could open them to theft and loss.

When traveling with others, keeping all your documents together poses a security risk; digital copies should be made of them for easy access later. A good solution would be making digital copies and saving them to your computer or smartphone for easy retrieval.

Some of the most valuable documents in a bugout bag include your deed to your house, bank statements, trust and investment accounts, insurance policies, medical information, and passports. Also essential is keeping emergency contact numbers handy so they may help save lives if an emergency arises.

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