Shopify Page Builder Apps


Shopify page builders are online tools that enable users to build high-converting pages for their store without needing to know code. The most reliable options provide easy usability with features designed to boost the performance of the website. The amazing fact about Shopify page builder.

PageFly is an outstanding Shopify page builder that provides templates for various business pages, such as homepages, collections, and product pages. Plus, there’s even a free plan with plenty of premade sections!


The Layout Hub app from Shopify provides merchants with minimal technical skills and an effective solution for building an online store quickly and without technical complexities. Offering high-quality templates that can be easily tailored for their brand, as well as built-in analytics to monitor page performance with seamless integration to the broader Shopify analytics to make sure no critical data goes undetected, the app’s solution makes creating an online store effortless for anyone.

LayoutHub’s website design platform is simple to use, with free templates explicitly tailored for every store type available for you to select from. This makes finding the look you want easier while increasing conversion rates. Features of this system include a drag-and-drop builder, customizable color palettes, and different page templates; website creation takes only minutes! Plus, LayoutHub’s support team is always there if any questions arise during website creation!

GemPages stands out from other page builders by allowing users to upload 3D product images for enhanced customer engagement, while its SEO feature enables you to set meta tags and descriptions for each page, helping it appear higher in search engine results while creating URLs with short yet descriptive names that allow customers to find it easily. This feature makes GemPages particularly suitable for websites that need to be seen by potential customers.

LayoutHub provides more than just layouts; it also offers various tools that can increase your website’s conversion rate. For instance, its landing page feature enables you to promote specific products or services. Plus, social media integration ensures visitors can stay up-to-date on what’s happening by following you across platforms, meaning their audience stays engaged!

LayoutHub offers many features and is fully integrated with Shopify apps. With its robust security system and outstanding performance, it is designed to deliver superior performance and customer support. Furthermore, its compatibility with all major browsers enables easy content editing across devices – critical when operating an eCommerce store, as mobile experiences play a vital role in turning visitors into paying customers.


PageFly is a comprehensive Shopify page-building app that equips eCommerce entrepreneurs with all of the tools necessary for creating high-converting pages. It boasts features like an advanced layout editor, custom HTML and CSS elements, version history protection, and version history history to keep your work safe and secure.

PageFly can help you easily create various kinds of pages, from home and landing pages, product collections, blog post pages, and password pages to password-protected portals. With their intuitive app and customizable templates that come preloaded for quick setup or by building from scratch, There is even an advanced search feature so that you can quickly locate what fits best with your business needs.

With PageFly, it’s simple to edit any page of your store without impacting existing content. The tool offers a drag-and-drop interface, making it simple for non-technical users to create beautiful sites with limited technical knowledge. Furthermore, PageFly supports multiple devices and has features designed to enhance online experiences for all.

PageFly offers the advantage of being used alongside any Shopify theme, providing greater flexibility. Furthermore, PageFly features various preloaded page themes that can be reused on multiple websites.

PageFly stands out from other page builders with its optimized code that makes it fast to use, meaning your pages will load quickly, even on mobile devices, in addition to premade mobile carriers, which can be edited to be more effective for your mobile customers.

Once your page is complete, publish it to your site to start driving traffic and sales. Link it directly to your navigation menu so visitors can easily access it, while PageFly enables you to add call-to-action buttons for product pages to increase click-through rates for increased conversion rates and sales. Furthermore, A/B testing enables you to test different designs on page designs to see which ones perform the best, allowing you to make improvements accordingly.


Zipify is an intuitive website builder designed to quickly and effortlessly create visually striking landing pages for your Shopify store. With numerous templates explicitly designed for mobile use and calls-to-action that encourage engagement from site visitors, Zipify Pages Builder makes creating visually striking landing pages a snap. Download from the Shopify App Store today to get started!

This app features an impressive library of proven marketing templates and built-in split testing to maximize results. Furthermore, a selection of customization tools, including global blocks and styles, can save you time while providing consistent branding across devices. Finally, world-class support will assist with any issues or questions that arise.

Use this app to easily create custom pages for your store, blog, or homepage with calls to action and social media links, then track visitor behavior with analytics that allow for informed marketing strategy decisions and exit-intent popups or retargeting campaigns.

Zipify’s template design is intuitive and straightforward, making it simple for even beginners to navigate and customize its navigation menus. However, its lack of an admin panel and support for video backgrounds is a drawback compared to similar solutions such as WordPress. Nonetheless, Zipify is an excellent choice for companies seeking to boost sales and conversions without hiring developers directly.

Zipify Pages goes beyond offering a full-featured page builder; it also boasts an advanced analytics dashboard. Here, you can monitor data such as sessions, transactions, average order value, etc. This data allows you to identify your best-performing pages and make informed decisions about improving them based on this analysis. Easily view data across platforms without needing to grab fragments manually from different sources.

Zipify Pages comes equipped with an analytics dashboard to give you all of the data necessary for making intelligent marketing decisions. This dashboard will provide you with access to essential metrics, such as sessions, transactions, and revenue, helping you identify your most successful pages and improve them to increase sales and conversions.


Tapita is a free Shopify page builder that makes customizing the body section (content between header and footer) of your website more accessible than ever without significantly replacing your theme and impacting page load times. Plus, Tapita creates backup copies of your home page should you ever decide to switch back.

Tapita makes creating beautiful home/landing pages, product/collection pages, blog pages, sections, and popups without coding knowledge easy and hassle-free. Choose from its extensive library of page and element templates to personalize your site further and make it stand out. It works seamlessly across most headless frontend platforms, including Magento PWA Studio, ScandiPWA, and Vue Storefront, and features an easy drag-and-drop interface that offers instantaneous changes.

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