Screw Air Compressor


Screw air compressors offer reliable and consistent compressed air supply for any business operation, even under extreme conditions. They can operate indefinitely without interruption. Read the Best info about کمپرسور اسکرو.

Piston compressors operate at lower internal temperatures than scroll compressors, making them more energy-efficient and taking up less floor space than comparable piston air compressors.

An air inlet valve suctions atmospheric air into an air-end housing two screw rotors, which rotate at high shaft speeds to compress it and compress the atmosphere.

High-Flow Rates

High-flow screw air compressors can quickly deliver massive quantities of compressed air at one time. As industrial workhorses designed to meet daily demands for compact air use, such as semiconductor fabrication or electronic assembly, high-flow screw air compressors are essential tools.

Rotary screw air compressors (commonly referred to as twin-screw compressors) utilize two intermeshed helical screws to compress air continuously, making them one of the most widely-used industrial compressors and used in applications requiring high CFM outputs. As this process produces heat, an aftercooler should typically be added in order to prevent overheating and maintain pressure levels.

The aftercooler system consists of cooling coils that absorb and remove heat from a compressor while also eliminating moisture and contaminants in compressed air. Compressed air often passes through an air dryer before entering an application process. Most rotary screw compressors are air-cooled, although water-cooled models may be found for applications requiring even more excellent cleanliness. All high-flow screw compressors must be placed in an environment that is well-ventilated, dry, free from debris, easily accessible for maintenance and repair, and with secure, leakproof connections to operate reliably for years with proper care and routine maintenance.

Low Maintenance

Screw air compressors typically require much lower maintenance than other forms of industrial compressed air systems due to their lack of pistons and rings, featuring few moving parts which reduce wear-and-tear, as well as longer service intervals that help drive down operating costs.

Rotor screw air compressors tend to require higher initial capital investments than piston air compressors with comparable CFM output, but their lower energy usage and long lifespan more than makeup for any differences. To maximize results, follow your manufacturer’s recommended maintenance program and perform routine tasks such as oil sampling and motor greasing as directed.

Its variety and number of valves can determine air compressor power consumption. Intake, minimum pressure, safety, and blowdown valves all need regular preventive maintenance to remain functional; if your air compressor’s consumption has increased in an unusually short period without an increase in usage patterns, this could indicate malfunctioning air compressor valves.

ELGi offers an impressive range of rotary screw compressors with industry-leading UPTIME ratings that come equipped with an air receiver, refrigerant dryer, pre/post filters, and control panels to meet all of your compressed air needs. Available in various kW sizes to meet every business need – these compact solutions can help your compressed air needs economically.


Contrary to piston compressors, which use oil as part of their compression process, screw air compressors do not use oil to compress air. While no oil enters through their discharge valve (oil carryover), some may still enter through their discharge valve (which can be reduced with inline filtration).

An air compressor relies on several critical components for its successful functioning: air-end, motor, gaskets, and seals. The air-end contains counter-rotating rotors connected by bearings and gears, which are turned at equal speeds by gears; their rotation synchronized via gears synchronizes their speed of turning in response to gears, which synchronizes rotor rotation at similar speed and creates the pressure ratio by pushing air in and out as they turn; separated by bearings that reduce friction as well as gaskets which ensure no contact between rotors when rotating together ensuring no contact between each rotor comes into contact.

Air passes over antifriction bearings and rotors made from antifriction materials, where it is compressed by rotation. Once compressed, this air then travels through a discharge valve in the compressor before being piped out for use at applications via their pipes.

Oil-free screw air compressors are suitable for applications where any contamination of compressed air could compromise production, such as food and beverage processing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, and electronics assembly. Food requires clean and dry compressed air, while pharmaceutical manufacturing requires using high-quality chemicals that are free from contaminants, and electronic devices use delicate parts that may be destroyed even by minute amounts of contamination.

Compact Design

Compared to piston compressors, rotary screw air compressors are much smaller and offer considerable space savings and installation convenience. Used both in manufacturing environments as well as heavy industrial settings, this equipment can power pneumatic tools while operating other machinery at higher speeds; furthermore, with fewer moving and contacting parts in operation and less heat produced during operation for increased energy conservation and long-term performance.

Your needs for an oil-free or oil-injected rotary screw air compressor depend on its specifications; an oil-injected model uses a special fluid to keep bearings lubricated, calm, and clean to reduce contamination transfer to compressed air and maintain quality work output. Oil-free models may be beneficial when pristine air quality is essential to your business operation, such as food processing, medical research, or chemical processing.

Oil-injected compressors generate extra heat during compression due to their helical rotors’ many valleys (flutes) compressing against each other to form the compression chamber. If any extra heat builds up in an oil injected compressor, excess heat is dissipated through its oil system and this helps improve efficiency by reducing leakage losses and internal pressure loss around rotor ports; with dry rotary screw air compressors these issues are eliminated through larger rotor diameter and unique design of male and female lobes providing more isothermal processes; while in oil injected models the excess heat is dissipated through their oil system, leading to improved efficiency while improving leakage losses and internal pressure loss around rotor ports while improving efficiency through better leakage loss reduction as leakage loss around rotor ports as leakage losses and pressure loss around rotor ports; in oil injected models this allows a leakage loss reduction as leakage losses while internal pressure loss around rotor ports while leakage losses from leakage losses caused by leakage losses and pressure loss around rotor ports while with dry rotary screw air compressors these issues are eliminated entirely as efficiency benefits gained through larger rotor diameter lobe design providing an isothermal process.

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