Options Trading on eToro: A Comprehensive Guide


In the online investing and trading world, eToro has emerged as a popular platform offering a range of financial instruments, including options trading. Understanding the ins and outs of options trading on eToro can help you maximize your investment potential, whether you’re an experienced trader or just getting started. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of options trading on eToro, from the basics to advanced strategies, helping you make informed decisions.v

Table of Contents

Introduction to Options Trading

Options are a financial derivative that offers buyers and sellers the right but not the obligation to transact at a specific price and within a particular time frame. Options trading is available on eToro, a popular online trading site.

Getting Started with eToro

Getting started with eToro is relatively straightforward, as it’s designed to be user-friendly and accessible to beginners and experienced traders. eToro is a social trading and multi-asset brokerage platform that allows you to trade various assets, including stocks, cryptocurrencies, forex, commodities, and more. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

1. Registration:

  • Visit the eToro website (www.etoro.com).
  • Click the “Join Now” or “Sign Up” button to create a new account.
  • You can sign up using your email address or link your account to your Google or Facebook account.

2. Verification:

  • After providing your basic information, you must verify your email address.
  • eToro may also require you to verify your identity by providing personal information and documents (like a photo of your ID or passport). This is a standard procedure to comply with regulatory requirements.

3. Funding Your Account:

  • Once your account is verified, you can fund it with real money.
  • eToro supports various payment methods, including credit/debit cards, bank transfers, and popular e-wallets like PayPal and Skrill.

4. Exploring the Platform:

  • Once your account is funded, you can explore the eToro platform.
  • The platform is user-friendly and intuitive. You can find various sections like the “Markets” section to explore different asset classes and the “Copy People” section to see what other traders are doing.

5. Trading and Investing:

  • You can choose to trade assets directly or invest by copying other traders.
  • If you’re trading, use the search bar or navigate through the categories to find the asset you want to change. Click on the investment to see its details and open a trading position.
  • If you’re investing, go to the “Copy People” section to browse through the profiles of other traders. You can see their Performance, trading strategies, and risk levels. You can then copy the trades of a trader you’re interested in.

6. Practice Account:

  • You can start with a virtual practice account if you’re new to trading. eToro offers a demo account with virtual funds to help you get comfortable with the platform and practice trading without risking real money.

7. Education and Research:

  • eToro provides educational resources, including articles, webinars, and market analysis, to help you make informed trading decisions.

8. Security:

  • eToro takes security seriously and provides features like two-factor authentication to help protect your account.

The Basics of Options Trading

options trading on etoro

Options trading is a more advanced form of investing that involves contracts granting the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price within a specific time frame. This asset can include stocks, commodities, indexes, and more. Options allow traders and investors to profit from price movements, manage risk, and create complex trading strategies. Here are the basics of options trading:

1. Call and Put Options:

  • Call Option: A call option gives the holder the right to buy an asset at a predetermined price (strike price) before or on a specified expiration date.
  • Put Option: A put option gives the holder the right to sell an asset at a predetermined price (strike price) before or on a specified expiration date.

2. Key Terminology:

  • Strike Price: The price at which the option holder can buy or sell the underlying asset.
  • Expiration Date: The date on which the option contract expires. After this date, the option becomes invalid.
  • Premium: The cost of buying an option. It’s the price paid to the option seller by the buyer.
  • In-the-Money (ITM): The asset’s market price is higher than the strike price for a call option. For a put option, it means the market price is lower than the strike price.
  • Out-of-the-Money (OTM): The opposite of in-the-money. The market price is lower than the strike price for a call option. The market price is higher than the strike price for a put option.
  • At-the-Money (ATM): The asset’s market price is approximately equal to the strike price.

3. Buying Call and Put Options:

  • Buying Call Options: If you expect the price of an asset to rise, you can buy a call option. If the price does increase, you can exercise the option and buy the purchase at a lower strike price.
  • Buying Put Options: If you expect the price of an asset to fall, you can buy a put option. If the price does decrease, you can exercise the option and sell the asset at a higher strike price.

4. Selling (Writing) Options:

  • Selling Call Options: By selling a call option, you are obligated to sell the asset at the strike price if the option holder decides to exercise their right.
  • Selling Put Options: By selling a put option, you are obligated to buy the asset at the strike price if the option holder decides to exercise their right.

5. Option Strategies:

  • Traders often use option strategies to manage risk and capitalize on specific market scenarios. Examples include covered calls, protective puts, straddles, strangles, and spreads.

6. Risk and Rewards:

  • Options trading can offer significant leverage, allowing traders to control a more prominent position with a smaller investment. However, this also increases the potential for both gains and losses.
  • The maximum potential loss for option buyers is limited to the premium paid for the option. Potential losses can be substantial for option sellers if the market moves significantly against their position.

7. Options Exchanges:

  • Options are traded on exchanges, such as the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), where standardized contracts are bought and sold.

Advantages of Options Trading on eToro

As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, eToro primarily focused on social trading and offered a user-friendly platform for trading various assets, including stocks, cryptocurrencies, forex, and commodities. While eToro might have introduced options trading after that date, I don’t have specific information about any developments beyond September 2021. Nevertheless, I can provide some general advantages of options trading on a platform like eToro, assuming they have added this feature:

1. Diversification: Options trading can add a new layer of diversification to your investment portfolio. By trading options on various underlying assets, you can reduce risk by spreading your investments across different market sectors.

2. Risk Management: Options can be used for hedging purposes, allowing you to protect your investments from adverse price movements. For example, you can buy options as insurance against potential downside risk in your portfolio.

3. Leverage: Options trading allows you to control a more prominent position with less capital than buying the underlying asset outright. This potential for increased leverage can lead to higher returns if the trade goes in your favor.

4. Flexibility: Options offer a wide range of strategies that can be tailored to different market scenarios. You can implement strategies that profit from upward, downward or even sideways price movements.

5. Income Generation: Selling options can provide you with premium income. For instance, selling covered call options on your stocks can generate an additional payment if the stock price remains relatively stable.

6. Limited Risk: For option buyers, the maximum potential loss is limited to the premium paid for the option. This defined risk can comfort traders who want to control their potential losses.

7. Speculative Opportunities: Options trading lets you speculate on short-term market movements without committing to long-term investments. This can be especially useful for traders looking to take advantage of short-term trends or events.

8. Versatility: Options are available on various assets, including stocks, indexes, commodities, and more. This allows you to trade in multiple markets according to your preferences.

9. Educational Resources: Reputable platforms like eToro often offer educational resources, including articles, tutorials, and webinars, to help you understand the basics of options trading and develop your skills.

10. User-Friendly Platform: If eToro has introduced options trading, its user-friendly platform can make it accessible to traders of all levels, including beginners.

Popular Options Trading Strategies

Options trading offers a wide range of strategies that cater to different market conditions and investor objectives. Each system has its risk-reward profile and suitability for various scenarios. Here are some popular options trading strategies:

1. Covered Call:

  • Plan: Sell a call option on your stock (100 shares per contract).
  • Goal: Generate income from the premium received. You keep the bonus if the stock’s price doesn’t rise significantly.
  • Risk: Limited potential for additional gains if the stock price rises above the strike price.

2. Protective Put:

  • Strategy: Buy a put option on your stock to protect against a potential price decline.
  • Goal: Limit potential losses if the stock’s price drops significantly.
  • Risk: The cost of the put option (premium) reduces potential gains.

3. Long Straddle:

  • Strategy: Simultaneously buy a call and put options with the same strike price and expiration date.
  • Goal: Profit from significant price movements, whether up or down.
  • Risk: If the price remains relatively stable, both options’ premiums may be lost.

4. Long Strangle:

  • Strategy: Similar to the long straddle, but with different strike prices for the call and put options.
  • Goal: Profit from significant price volatility while paying lower premiums than a straddle.
  • Risk: If the price doesn’t move much, both options’ bonuses may be lost.

5. Bull Call Spread (Debit Call Spread):

  • Strategy: Buy a lower strike call option and sell a higher one with the same expiration date.
  • Goal: Profit from a moderate stock price increase while reducing the trade cost.
  • Risk: Limited potential profit and loss.

6. Bear Put Spread (Debit Put Spread):

  • Strategy: Buy a higher strike put option and sell a lower strike set option with the same expiration date.
  • Goal: Profit from a moderate stock price decrease while reducing the trade cost.
  • Risk: Limited potential profit and loss.

7. Iron Condor:

  • Strategy: Combine a bear call spread and a bull put distance by selling out-of-the-money call and put options.
  • Goal: Profit from low volatility and sideways price movement.
  • Risk: Limited potential profit and loss. Maximum loss occurs if the price moves significantly beyond the range of the spreads.

8. Butterfly Spread:

  • Strategy: Combines buying and selling call or put options at three strike prices to create a profit zone.
  • Goal: Profit from minimal price movement within a specific range.
  • Risk: Limited potential profit and loss.

9. Collar:

  • Strategy: Buy a put option as a protective measure and sell a call option to generate income on your stock.
  • Goal: Limit downside risk while also capping potential gains.
  • Hazard: Potential loss if the stock price declines below the put’s strike price.

10. Calendar Spread (Time Spread):

  • Strategy: Simultaneously buy and sell options of the same type (calls or puts) with the same strike price but expiration dates.
  • Goal: Profit from time decay and changes in implied volatility.
  • Risk: Limited potential profit and loss.

Conducting Fundamental and Technical Analysis

options trading on etoro

Conducting fundamental and technical analyses is crucial for making informed trading and investment decisions. These two types of research provide different perspectives on the market and help traders and investors understand the factors influencing asset prices. Here’s an overview of both types of analysis:

Fundamental Analysis: Fundamental analysis involves evaluating the intrinsic value of an asset based on factors that can affect its price in the long term. This analysis is particularly important for longer-term investors.

1. Factors Considered:

  • Economic Indicators: These include GDP growth, unemployment rates, inflation, and interest rates, which provide insights into the overall health of the economy.
  • Company Financials: For stocks, analyzing financial statements, revenue growth, earnings, and debt levels is essential.
  • Industry and Sector Analysis: Understanding trends and dynamics within an industry or sector can help predict how individual companies might perform.
  • Market Sentiment: Monitoring news, events, and sentiment can impact investor behavior and market trends.

2. Steps in Fundamental Analysis:

  • Research: Gather data on the asset, industry, and the broader economy.
  • Financial Statements: Analyze balance sheets, income, and cash flow statements.
  • Valuation: Use valuation methods (e.g., price-to-earnings ratio, price-to-book ratio) to assess whether an asset is overvalued or undervalued.
  • Comparative Analysis: Compare the asset’s fundamental metrics to its peers or historical Performance.
  • News and Events: Stay updated on the news, economic releases, and geopolitical events that could impact the asset.

Technical Analysis: Technical analysis involves studying historical price and volume data to predict future price movements. This analysis focuses on short- to medium-term trading and is often used by day and swing traders.

1. Tools and Concepts:

  • Charts: Price charts (candlestick, line, bar) display historical price movements.
  • Indicators: Technical indicators (moving averages, RSI, MACD) help identify trends, momentum, and overbought/oversold conditions.
  • Chart Patterns: Head and shoulders, double tops/bottoms, and triangles provide insights into potential future price movements.
  • Support and Resistance: Key levels where the price tends to stall or reverse based on historical data.

2. Steps in Technical Analysis:

  • Chart Analysis: Study price charts to identify trends, patterns, and support/resistance levels.
  • Indicator Analysis: Apply technical indicators to gauge momentum, volatility, and potential trend reversals.
  • Pattern Recognition: Identify chart patterns that suggest possible bullish or bearish movements.
  • Volume Analysis: Analyze trading volume to validate price trends and spot possible reversals.

3. Limitations:

  • Technical analysis is based solely on historical price data and patterns without considering underlying fundamentals.
  • Market psychology and external events can sometimes lead to unexpected price movements that technical analysis may not predict.

Combining Fundamental and Technical Analysis: Many traders use a combination of fundamental and technical analysis to make well-rounded decisions. Fundamental analysis helps identify assets with robust long-term potential, while technical analysis helps pinpoint entry and exit points for shorter-term trades.

Executing Options Trades on eToro

As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, eToro was primarily known for offering trading in stocks, cryptocurrencies, forex, and commodities. Still, options trading might have yet to be available on the platform. However, media can update their offerings over time, so I recommend checking directly on the eToro platform or their official website for the most up-to-date information regarding options trading availability and execution on their platform.

If eToro has introduced options trading, here’s a general guide on how options trades are typically executed on trading platforms:

1. Accessing Options Trading:

  • If eToro offers options trading, you should be able to find this feature within their trading platform. Look for sections related to options or derivatives trading.

2. Selecting an Asset:

  • Choose the underlying asset (e.g., stocks, indexes, commodities) on which you want to trade options. This could be done by browsing available options or using the search function.

3. Choosing an Option Contract:

  • Once you’ve selected the asset, you’ll typically see a list of available option contracts with different strike prices and expiration dates.
  • Select the specific option contract that aligns with your trading strategy and market outlook.

4. Selecting Trade Type:

  • You can choose to buy (long) or sell (short) options depending on your strategy.
  • Buying a call option if you’re bullish on the asset or purchasing a put option if you’re bearish.
  • Selling options involve a more advanced process and can involve higher risk.

5. Entering Trade Details:

  • Specify the number of option contracts you want to trade.
  • Set the strike price of the option contract.
  • Choose the expiration date for the option contract.

6. Review and Confirm:

  • Carefully review the trade details, including the strike price, expiration date, and premium (if you’re buying options).
  • Confirm your trade once you’re satisfied with the details.

7. Monitoring and Managing Trades:

  • After executing the trade, you can monitor your options position within the trading platform.
  • Keep track of how the option’s price (premium) changes over time as the underlying asset’s price moves.

8. Exiting Trades:

  • You can exit an options trade before expiration by selling the option contract you bought or buying back the one you sold.
  • The difference between the premium you paid (or received) and the option’s current value will determine your profit or loss.

Risk Management and Psychology

Risk management and psychology are two critical aspects of successful trading and investing. Properly managing risk and maintaining a disciplined psychological mindset are essential for consistent and sustainable trading outcomes. Here’s an overview of both concepts:

Risk Management: Effective risk management is about preserving your capital, minimizing losses, and maximizing the potential for gains. It involves strategies to protect yourself from financial setbacks from market fluctuations or unexpected events.

1. Diversification:

  • Spread your investments across different assets, industries, or sectors to reduce the impact of a single investment’s poor Performance on your overall portfolio.

2. Position Sizing:

  • Determine how much capital to allocate to each trade based on your risk tolerance and the potential loss.
  • Avoid overcommitting to a single transaction, even if you’re confident in its success.

3. Stop-Loss Orders:

  • Set stop-loss orders to automatically exit a trade if the price moves against your position by a certain amount.
  • This helps limit potential losses and prevents emotions from driving impulsive decisions.

4. Risk-Reward Ratio:

  • Evaluate potential trades based on the ratio between your potential profit and potential loss.
  • Aim for transactions with a favorable risk-reward ratio, where potential gains exceed potential losses.

5. Avoid Chasing Losses:

  • Don’t increase your position size after experiencing losses in an attempt to recover quickly. Stick to your risk management plan.

Psychology of Trading: Your psychological state plays a significant role in your trading success. Emotional discipline and a rational mindset are crucial for making objective decisions and avoiding common pitfalls.

1. Emotional Control:

  • Emotions like fear and greed can lead to impulsive decisions. Develop self-awareness to recognize when emotions are influencing your trading choices.

2. Patience:

  • Wait for suitable trading setups rather than forcing trades. Being patient can prevent you from entering businesses driven by FOMO (fear of missing out).

3. Avoid Overtrading:

  • Trading excessively can lead to poor decision-making and increased transaction costs. Stick to your trading plan and strategy.

4. Accepting Losses:

  • Losses are a natural part of trading. Accept them and move on without letting them negatively impact your mindset.

5. Continuous Learning:

  • The market is constantly changing. Stay curious and commit to continuous learning to adapt to new conditions and refine your strategies.

6. Journaling:

  • Keep a trading journal to document your trades, decisions, emotions, and outcomes. Reviewing your diary can help you identify patterns and improve over time.

7. Psychological Support:

  • Trading can be isolating. Connect with other traders, join trading communities, or consider working with a trading coach to help manage psychological challenges.

Staying Informed: Market News and Updates

options trading on etoro

Staying informed about market news and updates is essential for educated trading and investment decisions. Maintaining relevant information helps you understand market trends, events, and factors that can impact asset prices. Here are some strategies to stay informed:

1. Financial News Websites:

  • Regularly visit reputable financial news websites such as Bloomberg, Reuters, CNBC, and Financial Times.
  • These websites cover various financial topics, including market trends, economic indicators, company news, and geopolitical events.

2. Market Analysis Platforms:

  • Many trading platforms and brokerages offer built-in market analysis sections with news, research reports, and expert insights.
  • Check if your trading platform provides such resources to help you stay updated.

3. Economic Calendars:

  • Economic calendars list upcoming economic releases, such as GDP reports, employment data, and central bank decisions.
  • Websites like Investing.com and Forex Factory provide comprehensive economic calendars.

4. Social Media and Blogs:

  • Follow finance professionals, market analysts, and reputable financial bloggers on Twitter, LinkedIn, and financial blogs.
  • Be cautious of misinformation and verify information from reliable sources.

5. News Apps:

  • Install financial news apps on your smartphone for real-time alerts and updates.
  • Many news apps allow you to customize alerts based on your interests.

6. Podcasts and Webinars:

  • Listen to financial podcasts and watch webinars hosted by experts in the field.
  • These platforms often discuss market trends, investment strategies, and economic insights.

7. Financial TV Channels:

  • Tune in to financial news channels like CNBC, Bloomberg TV, and others.
  • These channels provide live coverage, interviews with experts, and analysis of current events.

8. Newsletters and Research Reports:

  • Subscribe to newsletters from reputable financial research firms, investment banks, and market analysts.
  • These sources often provide in-depth analysis and insights on various asset classes.

9. Regulatory and Corporate Filings:

  • For stocks, regularly review regulatory filings such as quarterly and annual reports (10-Q and 10-K) for insights into a company’s financial health.

10. Social Trading Platforms:

  • If you’re using social trading platforms like eToro, you can also find updates and insights shared by other traders on the forum.

Advanced Options Trading Strategies

Advanced options trading strategies are designed to capitalize on specific market scenarios and offer more sophisticated ways to manage risk and generate profits. These strategies often involve combining multiple options positions to create complex trading structures. Here are some advanced options trading strategies:

1. Iron Butterfly:

  • Strategy: Combines a short and long straddle by selling an at-the-money (ATM) call and put option while simultaneously buying an out-of-the-money (OTM) call and put option.
  • Goal: Profit from low volatility, with potential gains in a narrow price range around the strike prices.
  • Risk: Limited potential profit and loss. Maximum loss occurs if the price moves significantly beyond the strike prices.

2. Iron Condor with Calls or Puts:

  • Strategy: Similar to the iron condor, but focuses on either the call side or the put side. It involves selling an OTM call spread and an OTM put spread.
  • Goal: Benefit from price staying within a specific range on one side (calls or puts) while maintaining a limited risk profile.
  • Risk: Limited potential profit and loss.

3. Ratio Spreads:

  • Strategy: Involves an unequal number of long and short options contracts. Examples include the ratio call spread, and the balance put space.
  • Goal: Profit from significant price movements in one direction while reducing or eliminating the upfront cost.
  • Risk: Potential for unlimited losses if the price moves against the trade.

4. Diagonal Spreads:

  • Strategy: Combines options with different expiration dates and strike prices. For instance, selling a near-term ATM call option and buying a longer-term, higher-strike call option.
  • Goal: Benefit from both time decay and price movement while managing risk.
  • Risk: Potential for loss if the price moves significantly against the position.

5. Calendar Spreads (Time Spreads) with Calls or Puts:

  • Strategy: Combines options with different expiration dates, selling a near-term option and buying a longer-term option.
  • Goal: Profit from time decay while minimizing the impact of volatility changes.
  • Risk: Limited potential profit and loss.

6. Long Call Butterfly:

  • Strategy: Buying one lower-strike call option, selling two middle-strike call options, and buying one higher one.
  • Goal: Profit from minimal price movement within a specific range, with reduced upfront cost.
  • Risk: Limited potential profit and loss.

7. Long Put Butterfly:

  • Strategy: Similar to the long call butterfly, but involves put options.
  • Goal: Profit from minimal price movement within a specific range, with reduced upfront cost.
  • Risk: Limited potential profit and loss.

8. Synthetic Positions:

  • Strategy: Combines options and stocks to replicate the payoff of another position. Examples include synthetic long stock and synthetic short stock.
  • Goal: Create alternative positions with different risk-reward profiles.

Learning from eToro’s Virtual Portfolio

As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, eToro provided a virtual portfolio feature that allowed users to practice trading without using real money. If this feature is still available, using eToro’s virtual portfolio can be a valuable way to learn about trading and test your strategies before committing to real funds. Here’s how you can make the most of eToro’s virtual portfolio:

1. Simulate Real Trading:

  • Treat the virtual portfolio as if it were real money. Make trades, manage your positions, and follow your trading plan as with real funds.

2. Experiment with Different Strategies:

  • Use the virtual portfolio to try out different trading strategies, from basic to advanced.
  • Test strategies that you’re unfamiliar with or want to learn more about.

3. Learn from Mistakes:

  • If a trade goes wrong in the virtual portfolio, analyze what went wrong and learn from the experience.
  • Mistakes in the virtual portfolio won’t result in actual financial losses, so it’s a safe learning environment.

4. Understand Market Dynamics:

  • Observe how different assets and markets behave under various conditions.
  • Pay attention to factors affecting asset prices and the impact of news and events.

5. Practice Risk Management:

  • Apply proper risk management techniques, such as setting stop-loss orders and managing position sizes.
  • Experience the emotional aspects of trading, even in a simulated environment.

6. Monitor Performance:

  • Track the Performance of your virtual portfolio over time.
  • Assess which strategies and decisions yield positive results and which ones need improvement.

7. Set Realistic Goals:

  • Approach the virtual portfolio with a goal: to learn a specific strategy, improve your skills, or practice risk management.

8. Seek Knowledge:

  • While using the virtual portfolio, continue to learn about trading concepts, strategies, and market analysis techniques.
  • Take advantage of educational resources provided by eToro or other reputable sources.

9. Gradually Transition to Real Trading:

  • Once you feel confident and consistently booming in the virtual portfolio, consider transitioning to actual trading with smaller amounts of money.

Tax Implications of Options Trading

Options trading can have various tax implications, and the specific tax treatment depends on your country’s tax laws and regulations. Understanding the tax implications of options trading in your jurisdiction is crucial to ensure you comply with tax obligations and optimize your tax strategy. Remember that tax laws can change, so it’s always advisable to consult a tax professional or accountant familiar with the tax rules in your specific location. Here are some general points to consider regarding the tax implications of options trading:

1. Tax Treatment of Profits and Losses:

  • The tax treatment of options trading profits and losses can vary. In some jurisdictions, gains from options trading may be considered capital gains, while in others, they might be treated as ordinary income.

2. Holding Periods:

  • Some tax systems differentiate between short-term and long-term holding periods for option positions. Short-term gains and losses are often taxed differently from long-term ones.

3. Wash Sale Rules:

  • Depending on your jurisdiction, wash sale rules might apply to options trading. A wash sale occurs when you sell an asset at a loss and repurchase it quickly. In some cases, the loss may be disallowed for tax purposes.

4. Tax Reporting:

  • You’ll likely need to report your options trading activity on your tax return. This includes details about gains, losses, and other relevant information.

5. Option Premiums:

  • The premium you receive when selling an option might be considered income at the time of sale. The premium you pay when buying an opportunity might be regarded as a cost or a deductible expense.

6. Expiration and Assignment:

  • Tax implications can differ depending on whether an option expires without being exercised or is assigned.

7. Trading Frequency:

  • Tax authorities might view your activity differently if you frequently trade options than when selling infrequently.

8. Tax Deductions:

  • Some expenses related to options trading, such as trading commissions, might be deductible in some jurisdictions.

9. Retirement Accounts:

  • The tax treatment of options trading within retirement accounts (e.g., IRAs, 401(k)s) can also differ from regular brokerage accounts.

10. Record Keeping:

  • It’s essential to maintain accurate records of all your options trading transactions, including details about trades, dates, prices, and positions.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Avoiding common mistakes is crucial for achieving success and profitability in trading and investing. Here are some common mistakes to be aware of and avoid:

1. Lack of Education:

  • Mistake: Jumping into trading without sufficient Knowledge of the markets, strategies, and risks.
  • Solution: Invest time in learning about trading concepts, tools, and techniques. Continuously educate yourself to make informed decisions.

2. Ignoring Risk Management:

  • Mistake: Failing to implement proper risk management strategies, such as setting stop-loss orders and managing position sizes.
  • Solution: Prioritize risk management to protect your capital from significant losses.

3. Overtrading:

  • Mistake: Trading excessively and frequently increases transaction costs and potential emotional stress.
  • Solution: Stick to your trading plan, avoid impulsive trades, and focus on quality over quantity.

4. Emotional Trading:

  • Mistake: Letting emotions like fear and greed drive your trading decisions.
  • Solution: Develop emotional discipline, follow your trading plan, and avoid making decisions based solely on emotions.

5. Chasing Losses:

  • Mistake: Increasing position sizes after experiencing losses to recover losses quickly.
  • Solution: Avoid emotional reactions to losses and maintain a consistent risk management approach.

6. Lack of Patience:

  • Mistake: Entering trades without waiting for suitable setups or prematurely exiting winning trades.
  • Solution: Exercise patience and discipline in waiting for high-probability trading opportunities.

7. Neglecting Fundamental Analysis:

  • Mistake: Relying solely on technical analysis and ignoring underlying fundamentals.
  • Solution: Incorporate both technical and fundamental analysis to make well-rounded trading decisions.

8. Overleveraging:

  • Mistake: Using excessive leverage that can amplify both gains and losses.
  • Solution: Use power cautiously and only within your risk tolerance. Be aware of the potential consequences.

9. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out):

  • Mistake: Entering trades based on the fear of missing out on a potential opportunity.
  • Solution: Make decisions based on your analysis and trading plan, not market hype.

10. Lack of Record Keeping:

  • Mistake: Remember to record your trades, strategies, and outcomes accurately.
  • Solution: Maintain a detailed trading journal to track your transactions, decisions, and Performance over time.

11. Disregarding Diversification:

  • Mistake: Concentrating your investments on a single asset or market sector requires diversifying.
  • Solution: Diversify your portfolio to reduce risk and exposure to a single asset’s Performance.

12. Not Seeking Professional Advice:

  • Mistake: Trying to navigate complex trading strategies without seeking advice from experienced traders or financial professionals.
  • Solution: Consider getting guidance from professionals to make informed decisions.

eToro’s Customer Support and Resources

As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, eToro is known for providing a user-friendly platform and offering its users customer support and educational resources. However, my information might not be up-to-date, so I recommend visiting eToro’s official website or contacting customer support directly for the most current and accurate information. Here’s a general overview of the types of customer support and resources eToro has traditionally offered:

1. Customer Support:

  • eToro typically provides customer support through various channels, including email, live chat, and phone support.
  • Users can contact the support team with questions, concerns, technical issues, and account-related inquiries.

2. Knowledge Base:

  • eToro often maintains a comprehensive knowledge base or FAQ section on its website.
  • The knowledge base can include articles, guides, and tutorials on various topics related to trading, the platform, and account management.

3. Educational Resources:

  • eToro aims to educate traders and investors with various educational resources.
  • These resources might include webinars, video tutorials, articles, and ebooks covering basic trading concepts to more advanced strategies.

4. Social Trading Community:

  • eToro is known for its social trading features, allowing users to follow and copy the trades of experienced traders.
  • The platform may offer social trading features that allow users to interact with each other, share insights, and learn from one another.

5. Demo Accounts:

  • eToro might offer demo accounts that allow users to practice trading with virtual funds.
  • Demo accounts help you learn the platform’s features and testing strategies without risking real money.

6. Platform Guides:

  • eToro could provide guides and tutorials on how to use its trading platform effectively.
  • These guides might cover topics such as placing trades, managing positions, using technical analysis tools, and more.

7. Economic Calendar and Market Analysis:

  • eToro might offer an economic calendar featuring upcoming economic events and indicators.
  • Market analysis and insights on various assets could also help users make informed trading decisions.

8. Mobile App Support:

  • If eToro has a mobile trading app, it offers support and resources related to its features and functionalities.


Options trading on eToro offers novice and experienced traders a world of opportunity. You can confidently navigate the dynamic landscape of options trading by grasping the fundamentals, utilizing various strategies, managing risks, and staying informed. Remember, continuous learning and prudent decision-making are crucial to success.


Is options trading suitable for beginners?

Options trading can be complex, but eToro's user-friendly platform and educational resources make it accessible to beginners.

Can I trade options on eToro's mobile app?

Yes, eToro offers a mobile app that allows you to trade options on the go.

Are there fees associated with options trading on eToro?

Yes, there are fees involved, including spreads and overnight financing charges. Check eToro's fee schedule for details.

What is the minimum deposit required to start options trading on eToro?

The minimum deposit varies by region. Refer to eToro's website for specific information.

How can I contact eToro's customer support if I have questions?

You can contact eToro's customer support through the platform's messaging system or by visiting the Help Center for assistance.

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