How to Integrate the ATH Movil Payment Button SDK to Your Android App


You can integrate the ATH Movil Payment Button SDK into your Android app for a secure, fast, and simple checkout experience. This SDK allows app developers to receive real-time payments from 1.5 million active ATH Movil users. The SDK can be downloaded for free. For more information, visit the ATH Movil Developer website.


If you don’t want to receive notifications from the ATH Movil app, you can control them manually. You can enable or disable notifications, as well as muted notifications. Just visit the notification settings on your mobile device. You can find them at the bottom of the screen. You can also turn off notifications by going to the settings menu and selecting “mute.”

If you are having trouble receiving notifications from the ATH Movil app, you may be facing device or internet connection issues. If this is the case, you can report the issue using the comment section below. This way, the ATH Movil community may help you to fix the problem. If the issue persists, you can try some of the following fixes:

The ATH Movil app allows you to transfer money between your cards and make payments to participating merchants. You can also make donations to charities. To use the service, you must be a registered client with ATH. To do so, you must register your mobile phone number and email address. You must also agree to the ATH Movil app’s terms and conditions.


Using the pATH Movil app is a great way to send money to friends and family. It also allows you to transfer money between your cards and make payments at any commerce registered with pATH. Whether you’re shopping at the mall or making a donation, you can make your transactions and payments through this app. The app even lets you use QR codes to make payments. It supports most major banks and credit unions in Puerto Rico.

Payment button SDK

The Ath Movil Payment button SDK is available for Android developers. The SDK provides a variety of functions, including the Convert Items List to JSON Array method, which converts a list of items into a JSON array. The code in these methods should be called in the main thread of the app. The methods onCompleted expired and canceled handle the responses when a payment has been completed, expired, or canceled, respectively. The onException method is responsible for handling exceptions, so developers should be able to see the details of the error.

The ATH Movil Payment button SDK gives developers easy access to the Checkout button, as well as the ATH Movil service. The SDK also has a number of functions, including storing transaction data in its own database. The SDK includes signals that notify users about transactions and let them request a refund.

Notifications not working in ath movil app

If you’re experiencing issues with notifications, you may have a few options. One option is to uninstall the app and reinstall it. If this doesn’t work, you may need to download an older version of the app. Depending on your device, you may have to install the app a second time to fix this problem.

Another option is to restart your phone. Rebooting your device will clear any background processes and services, and refresh the core components. To restart your phone, press the power button and select “Restart.” Alternatively, go into the “Settings” application. Under the “Apps” section, select the ATH Movil app and select the “Permissions” option.