Zinc Periodic Table


Zinc is an attractive bluish-white metal with an alluring sheen. While at room temperature, it remains brittle; when heated, it becomes malleable. Zinc conducts electricity well and burns at red heat in the air, producing white clouds of oxides as it burns. Have the Best information about قرص یونی زینک.

Indian metallurgists first produced metallic Zinc as early as the 13th century A.D.; alchemist Paracelsus employed its use. However, German chemist Andreas Marggraf is widely credited with discovering pure Zinc in 1746.

Physical and Chemical Properties

Zinc is a metallic substance with an attractive silvery-white hue and high melting and boiling points, which make it a post-transition metal with properties from both metals and nonmetals. Zinc’s characteristic properties of luster and conductivity more closely align with metals than semimetals.

Zinc’s unique chemical, physical, and thermal properties make it suitable for many uses. Galvanizing agents use Zinc to prevent steel and iron rusting, while brass alloys use it as well. Zinc exists naturally within Earth’s crust, which mining operations can extract.

Zinc oxide is a potency antibacterial and fungicidal agent, as well as an essential nutrient for plants, animals, and humans alike. Furthermore, Zinc is found in alkaline and rechargeable batteries.

Zinc can be found both free and combined in nature. The first evidence of pure metallic zinc production came in India during the 13th century A.D. when Indian metallurgists first produced it; later, German chemist Andreas Marggraf was usually credited as its discoverer in 1746.

Plastic is generally brittle at ordinary temperatures but becomes malleable at 100 to 150 degrees C when heated to become pliable and reacts with dilute acids to form hydrogen gas. Furthermore, it acts as an excellent conductor of electricity and burns at red heat to release white clouds of oxide oxide during combustion.

Chemical Reactions

Zinc metal, commonly referred to as “spelter,” serves many applications. It can be found in alloys like brass and used for galvanizing iron as well as die-casting applications. Furthermore, Zinc is an essential trace element found in both humans and other organisms.

Zinc is a highly reactive metal, capable of both ionic and covalent bond formation. With low melting and boiling points but high brittleness at average temperatures, Zinc reacts rapidly with air, producing a dull grey zinc oxide coating. Furthermore, it reacts with various substances, including halogens, oxygen, and chalcogens, finally forming binary compounds with both acids and alkalis.

Iron has long been known for its resistance to corrosion, making it suitable for coating baser metals like iron centuries before it became recognized as its element. Zinc also conducts heat and electricity well and vaporizes at lower temperatures than lead. Due to these properties, German alchemist Paracelsus named it zincke or “zinc,” which is possibly from the German word for spike (zink). Pure metallic form was first produced in India during the 1400s or 1746 by heating calamine with charcoal.


Zinc (atomic number 30, symbol Zn) is an alloyed metal used in making brass. Additionally, Zinc serves as an effective protective layer against corrosion for other metals and serves as pigment and solder binders and coating for pigmented surfaces.

Like many elements, Zinc contains several stable isotopes, 64Zn being the most prevalent and occurring naturally every 4.3×1018 years. There are also short-lived radioisotopes of Zinc present, most notable among them being 60Zn, with its half-life being approximately 1.4 days.

Zinc’s initial ionization energy is 9.3941 eV. This value measures its potential ionization energy, that is, how much energy it would require to remove an electron from a neutral atom or molecule and turn it into positive ions.

Zinc is the 23rd most abundant metal on Earth’s crust, and its primary ore is zinc blende (commonly referred to as sphalerite). Other important zinc ores include wurtzite, smithsonite, and hemimorphite. Zinc plays an essential role in human health, and lack of it can result in decreased appetite, poor taste or smell sense, wound healing problems that heal slowly, skin sores, and poor growth rates.

A newly installed double-spike method at MAGIC allows for routine measurements of isotopic variations in natural samples. This technique involves adding a 64Zn-67Zn double spike prior to digestion, then extracting Zn from it via ion exchange chromatography before conducting isotopic analysis using multiple-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICPMS). MAGIC validated their method using standard reference materials (blend ore BCR 027 and ryegrass BCR 281), which showed excellent repeatability and accuracy compared to traditional methods used elsewhere in their lab.


Zinc is an essential trace element found in both human and animal tissues, and it also plays an integral part in industry and batteries. First discovered as a metallic substance in India during the 13th century A.D., Zinc was later rediscovered by Marggraf in 1746 for use here in Europe. Zinc’s composition includes complex, brittle properties at room temperatures; when heated between 110 to 150 degrees C, it softens into malleability and ductility, which makes it an adequate heat and electricity conductor without being magnetic!

Metallic Zinc is highly reactive, readily reacting with oxygen, nonmetals, and dilute acids to form various compounds, zinc oxide (ZnO) being the most widely used. Zinc anodes can also be found on ships, oil rigs, or marine structures to divert any potential corrosion away from them and onto themselves.

Zinc itself is not toxic; however, some of its compounds and reactions may be. Zinc is essential to plant and animal metabolism, and its deficiency can cause hair loss, skin lesions, and diarrhea.

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