What Is Education and Why Is It Important?


Education is a purposeful activity that aims to impart certain knowledge, skills, and even character traits to its participants. Some of these traits may include the development of understanding, rationality, kindness, and honesty. But these are not the only aims of education. The process is also known as socialization. Its purpose is to help people cope with the challenges of life.

Objectives of education

The basic objective of education is to provide knowledge that empowers a person to face life’s challenges. It also develops character and strengthens an individual’s moral and ethical senses. This knowledge enables people to make sound decisions and to distinguish between right and wrong. Education is essential for a person’s happiness and success. It also helps them make a good living and to achieve independence.

Education professionals define educational aims and objectives. They are two separate concepts, but they share the same meaning. The differences between the two are that the former is a long-term goal, while the latter is short-term. In education, the former refers to what a person hopes to learn, while the latter is about what they want to achieve.

Objectives of education can include a wide variety of things. It may include academic, physical, moral, and cultural education. It can also involve religious instruction. The main purpose of education is to improve the lives of individuals and societies. Education should help people achieve their full potential and develop their natural attributes and personality.

Humanistic approach to education

The humanistic approach to education promotes the development of the whole person. This philosophy is based on the work of humanistic psychologists and embraces all aspects of the human being as equally important for growth. Students are encouraged to learn because it fulfils a need within them. The humanistic approach to education is different from other forms of education.

This philosophy focuses on the student’s emotional and mental well-being. It aims to increase students’ sense of self-worth and improve their self-concept. Students should develop a positive self-image by understanding their skills, talents, and values and believing in their ability to develop.

Humanistic educators believe that feelings are crucial to learning. They believe that students’ emotions are as important as their intellect. Therefore, they do not separate the affective and cognitive domains. Instead, they strive to create a positive learning environment where students feel confident and ready to learn. Moreover, humanistic educators believe that students should be allowed to make their own decisions, allowing them to achieve their goals.

Formal education

In formal education, students learn in a structured manner, with lessons planned. On the other hand, informal education involves learning through interactions with people. Informal education focuses on a social environment where people share experiences, values, and perspectives. Although the two types of education are closely related, they have different purposes and methods.

For one thing, formal education focuses on a calendar. The educational centre chooses the topics and dates of the curriculum, and the students are required to meet a certain timetable. For this reason, teachers must be serious and responsible when teaching a course. In addition, they must adhere to a set of objectives and deadlines.

The process of formal education is structured and takes place in a school, college, or university. Moreover, formal education may include specialized vocational, technical, or professional training programs. It usually ends in a certification.

Socialization process

Socialization is a complex process in which an individual’s behaviour, attitudes, and values are formed by factors such as family, religion, social networks, peer groups, language, and media. The process is usually defined as the process by which an individual is influenced by the social norms of his or her community, country, or society.

Socialization takes place in various ways and includes both formal and informal education. Children learn through direct learning and indirect learning, as well as through role-playing and learning from models. The first type of socialization occurs at home. The second type of socialization occurs in the world outside of the child’s immediate environment, such as in schools.

The socialization process occurs as an individual grows and develops. It teaches children how to interact with other people, accept societal norms, and participate in society. It is a lifelong process through family, religion, peer groups, economic systems, language, and media. It also involves several factors, including the individual’s age, gender, and social structure.