Too Cool to Pay For School Scholarships


As one searches for scholarships, it can be easy to be taken in by stories about successful students winning millions in awards – yet what about those struggling financially for college?

Many civic groups, churches, unions, and other organizations offer scholarships at the local level that may be less competitive than larger national scholarships and require only shorter essays for application.

Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship

Have you ever considered what would happen if your school or college campus were invaded by zombies? The Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship offers students the chance to submit essays detailing their plans for survival during a zombie apocalypse – making this scholarship one of the more innovative opportunities on this list as it encourages creative essays and submissions from applicants.

Unigo Scholarship Committee is searching for applicants with creative and innovative strategies on how they would survive a zombie apocalypse at their school. The winner will receive $2,000 towards their college education. To apply, write a 250-word essay detailing your plan of escape; the application deadline for this scholarship is October 31st.

Scholarships are an effective way to cover tuition and school-related expenses. Before applying, be sure to research each scholarship’s requirements and criteria carefully and begin your application early; starting early increases your odds of winning a scholarship! We wish you the best of luck as you search for one to cover your school costs!

Courage to Grow Scholarship

Are You Needing Assistance Paying for College? Apply for the Courage to Grow Scholarship! The Courage to Grow Scholarship was developed as an initiative of Courage to Grow, a non-profit organization that acknowledges financial struggles faced by students. It seeks to support those individuals who exhibit courage and perseverance when following their dreams.

Scholarship applications are straightforward, consisting of one short essay of 250 words or less that must detail why you deserve the scholarship. Before submitting it, proofread carefully and have someone other than yourself (like a parent or friend) read it, giving an outside perspective and helping to catch any errors that might have been overlooked.

The scholarship committee considers applicants based on grades, community service, personal essays, and potential to achieve educational goals. After selecting applicants who possess these qualities, they select those with the greatest likelihood of achieving them – with one lucky applicant receiving $500 sent directly to their college account! Whether you are in high school junior/senior year, currently attending college, or planning on applying during 2019, anyone interested can apply for this scholarship – making it one of the more affordable opportunities available with monthly applications accepted year round! Though not the largest scholarship available today – definitely worth giving some serious thought to! For more information click here or download our Application here

Adobe Creativity Scholarship

Adobe Creativity Scholarships are offered to students with an eye for design. Each scholarship award of $25,000 annually can help cover tuition expenses. Applying is straightforward; just submit a high school transcript, two reference letters, and a personal written or video statement up to three minutes long as part of your application package.

The Institute of International Education oversees this scholarship, which is designed to promote peaceful and equitable societies by advancing education, building economies, and increasing access to opportunity. Anyone wishing to apply should reach out directly to their local office or visit the program website – the submission deadline is usually set as February of every year.

Adobe believes that great experiences begin with creativity. That is why they offer this scholarship program, providing undergraduate students pursuing careers in product or experience design (including digital, web, UI/UX, or industrial design) scholarships with mentorship opportunities as well as free Creative Cloud subscriptions from Adobe. Scholarship winners will have access to mentorship opportunities.

To qualify, applicants must be attending either an HBCU or Predominantly Black Institution (PBI), with an overall cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above and an ability to demonstrate financial need. This scholarship is only valid during the 2023-2024 academic year and can be applied toward tuition and fees costs.

The Superpower Scholarship

Students who love superheroes or villains will love this scholarship from Unigo! Their Superpower Scholarship requires applicants to write a short essay answering “Which superhero or villain would you most like to trade places with for one day?” and the winner receives $2,500 toward college expenses.

Scholarship applications for students 14 years or older who meet certain eligibility requirements are straightforward, with winners selected through random drawing every quarter – offering another opportunity for winning this unique and awesome scholarship opportunity!

Additionally, there are scholarships that focus on hobbies or interests specific to them. For instance, students who love asparagus can apply for the Asparagus Scholarship award which comes complete with free gardening gloves and an instructional book on its cultivation.

Some scholarships are awarded based on last names or physical traits, giving students the opportunity to raise funds without writing essays for college admissions. These unique scholarships can be an ideal way for them to earn extra cash without needing to write essays about themselves or write essays themselves.

Other creative scholarships include the Make Me Laugh Scholarship, which asks students to share an amusing or embarrassing tale in 250 words or less with the judge. Students studying or planning to study heavy machinery may apply for the Heavy Machine Scholarship; which rewards one student each year who submits either a written essay or YouTube video outlining their career aspirations and goals.

The Restaurant Scholarship

College students looking to break into the restaurant or hospitality industries will find numerous scholarships available. Popular examples are the Olive Garden Pasta Tales Essay Writing Contest, Denny’s Hungry for Education Scholarship, and NRAEF Restaurant Scholars program; others such as the Educated Eats Frans Hagen Scholarship, Patricia M. Newell Culinary Arts Scholarship, or Robert and Sharon Petrillose Memorial Scholarship may also exist for applicants from Elmira or Finger Lakes region of New York.

Fast food chains also offer scholarships designed to aid their employees with tuition costs – for instance, Burger King Courage to Grow Scholarship and McDonald’s REACH Educational Grant program are two such scholarships designed specifically to do this. Such awards may provide valuable support even when other scholarships don’t fit. These can also provide helpful help paying for school costs for those who might otherwise miss out.

If you are seeking to apply for a restaurant or food-related scholarship, be sure to carefully consider eligibility requirements and deadlines before making your application. It is also essential to remember that scholarships differ from student loans in that they do not need to be repaid; hence making them the first consideration of any college student.