Tips on how to Travel in Costa Sana on a Budget


As usual, when planning a vacation, I go to various sites searching for clues, reviews, low-cost lodging, activities, and cash exchange rates. You may want to remember that Costa Rica uses colonization as the medium of the swap but also accept US bucks in most places. Generally speaking, one, 000 colones are corresponding to two US dollars, when calculating colones just shift the decimal over (to the left) three locations and multiply by 2 to get the US dollar equal.

So with the assistance of my boy Omar, who would also be becoming a member of me on this trip to Bahía Rica, we began our own research checking Frommers. com, TripAdvisor. com, Hostels. com, GoVisitCostaRica. com, Google Maps, along with other websites to get somewhat acquainted with that part of the world.

There have been no flights available to typically the San Jose airport, and we decided to fly Delta to the Liberia Airport (LIR). Liberia is located in the Guanacaste Land which is located in the Northeastern part of Costa Rica. It is not a bad option for anyone who really wants to see the country in the almost cost-effective way, which is by simply bus. We took a minicab from the airport and looked at the Boyeros Hotel throughout downtown Liberia. The minicab charge was $15. 00 for me and my kid. There is, however, an even more affordable way to get to the center of Liberia. You can take a taxi to the main road for about $4. 00 and take the community bus for only 50 dollars. That is how we returned to the airport at our departure moment.

The Boyeros was a great hotel with a 24-hour dinner and two swimming pools (one adult and one child swimming with a little waterfall). Additionally, they had double beds, cable, and hot water. The staff is not going to speak much English and so brush up on your Spanish ahead of your trip. Many smaller hotels and hostels don’t have hot water so always check your own personal room and turn on this inflatable water before payment is given particularly if you travel without making move forward reservations as we did. Will not have the conveniently located on the bus range and around the corner from the car station.

The cost of the room ended up being $60. 00 per nighttime, which was over our lodge budget of $40. 00 per night, but the trouble and nice pool were obviously a good trade-off. We expended the day at the pool, having adjusted and planned the next move. We could not eat at their bistro but instead walked across the route to a food mall that will housed Burger King and certain other fast food restaurants. It turned out packed with locals and a few holidaymakers. After eating we stocked standing on water and headed into the hotel. My youngster Omar crashed out I stayed up and got addressed to a Pacquiao vs . Margarito fight on HBO. Pacquiao was victorious but My partner and I still think that Floyd Mayweather would win if they ever previously met.

We got up first at about 4: months AM to make our six to eight and a half hour trip too often to the Manuel Antonio National Park your car, which was one of the places this showed up on many websites, in addition, was a “must-see” style of location. I paid $12. 00 for us to go to Barranca, which was about an hour and a half at a distance. For $1. 00, we took the local bus to the Puntarenas Bus Station. You must order a bus ticket at the presentation area around the corner from where the rapace line up. The bus to help Manuel Antonio cost $15. 00 and was a different two-hour ride. We decided we were able to take in the beautiful beautiful places of the country as we rode the highway in this relaxed bus.

We arrived in relation to 11: 00 AM with Quepos and decided to get a hotel there instead of cycling to Manuel Antonio which is only a short 30-second ride away. We stepped about two blocks and located the Park Hotel or perhaps Hotel Parque which was positioned on the 2nd floor within the Drage Pharmacy. It was extremely quaint with only cool water and no air conditioning nonetheless it did have cable TV and also a ceiling fan and only expense $20. 00 for the area that we selected with a couple of twin beds. We checked out and dropped the bags and scurried to the bus station to carry on our journey to the Manuel Antonio National Park. We have a $10. 00 entry payment for adults and it has been free for my child who is 11 years of age. You must walk about a mile over a gravel and dirt highway before reaching the beach. We all did not see any pets along the way as it was promoted in their literature and on some internet websites. The walk was a bit arduous in the heat and with our rucksacks but the beach was wonderful and the water was okay.

Actually, my recommendation is generally to pass on going through the State Park and instead just keep on the other side of the route and enjoy the beach right there. You will discover noticeably more rocks in addition to stones along the shoreline therefore you can’t avoid walking on these individuals as you enter the ocean even so the $10. 00 National Park your car fee could then provide for a meal or two. After a while, often the clouds rolled in and yes it began to rain. My youngster was undaunted and persisted to swim. After his / her hands and feet were raisins, we headed simpler the pathway and made a decision to eat at Chicken out and about, which is situated on the major road and right around the beach, before probably back to the hotel. We all shared a whole rotisserie hen, rice and beans, plantains, and a two-liter bottle of wine or soda, which expenses about $16. 00 regarding everything. Be mindful, however, that the chicken and other livestock that you simply eat are likely raised about the same water that you are trying to keep away from when you purchased bottled water while having stayed. Just as you experience conditions, cramps, and vomiting inside Mexico and are warned “don’t drink the water”, the identical warning should also apply when you visit Costa Rica.

We slated the Mangrove Safari Travel for the next day then leaped back on the local coach to Quepos for $1. 00 and was properly in our room by about several: 00 PM. After the cold showers, Omar observed the Disney Channel inside Spanish, while I went to Bogarts Restaurant just downstairs and on the right, to use the internet to be able to plot our next movements. I checked the coach schedules at to make certain we stayed on schedule.

Another morning we got up early on and checked out of the motel. We carried our handbags with us to the tour grab location in Manuel Antonio because we were going to get ourselves a bus to San Jose right after the safari travel. We could have gotten taken care of at the hotel but when I actually signed up for the tour on the last day, I did not know the specific name or location of the motel, so to avoid confusion, I actually said we would just visit the ticket booth place. Little did I know the mini tour bus would certainly end up taking us back to Quepos to a cafe less than a half block from your hotel to have lunch, which has been included in the $65. 00 for every head ticket price of the particular tour. The food was very good and included rice and also beans, salad and a range of fish or chicken. The particular tour drivers appeared puzzled and not very organized. He said it was a four-hour or so tour but ended up being concerning 2 hours. We ultimately arrived at Damas Island to be able to board the boat about 3 hours after we were got. The river area seemed to be desolate, to say the least.

We discovered monkeys right along the plant area near the dock. Most of us also saw some parrots in that immediate area although deeper into the ride most of us saw less and less. No is definitely the as promised upon applying. We did see a curly-up snake that was first sleeping on a tree side. One lady on the vacation, from San Francisco, CA claimed she had taken often the tour about 20 years previously and the same area seemed to be filled with colorful birds swooping down and flying close to in every direction. The travel guide who looked to be in their twenties, could not offer a purpose. My suggestion is to miss this tour or discover a company that offers it for approximately $40. 00. That is precisely what it seems to be worth. You can also journey over to Damas and you may need to be able to see the monkeys hanging out the dock area. If you have the next time, we would most likely opt for a trip to wildlife or a reserve like Cameras Mia which is located in the particular El Salto area of Liberia. You can check their website to hold space.

We hustled backside from the tour and close to 5: 00 pm we all boarded the bus to be able to San Jose. We got presently there around 8: 30 EVENING and were fortunate to have assistance from two young ladies who have been on the bus and given some information about the bus rail station area crime. They converted our selected hostel into a taxi driver, who gave a talk in very little English.

We inspected Vesuvio for $40. 00 for the night. It turned out a great place to stay with water, cable TV, AC, and no-cost breakfast. Eduardo and Mauricio spoke excellent English in addition to were very informative in addition to hospitable. Vesuvio can be reached by visiting their website at.

After a quick breakfast connected with toast and fruit, we took a super quick 30 tiny tour of San Jose’s downtown district. Our shuttle bus to Liberia was at 6: 00 AM and last but not least Liberia at about 11: 00 AM which gave you a three-hour cushion previous to our flight back to us. We used the time by means of heading to the local supermarket to order some coffee for gift ideas. We boarded the local shuttle bus and got off at the obtain road to the airport, and then took a taxi into the entrance area. Keep in mind that it comes with an exit tax charged prior to leaving, so don’t spend each dollar you have in Playa Rica or you may have a lengthy stay. The fee is approximately $26. 00 per man or woman.

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