The Ultimate Guide to Voicemail-to-Email Services


Those lucky enough to access a voicemail to email service may attest to its many benefits. For example, you can forward your voicemails to coworkers for more efficient teamwork, and you can also prioritize which ones demand immediate attention and which ones can wait till later. Many VoIP customers now consider voicemail forwarding to email a vital function; are you using this convenient option? To learn more, check out NitroMail

You can do more with this function than sending your voicemails to your inbox. While this is helpful for catching up on missed calls, you may improve your efficiency even more by considering the following. When you realize all how voicemail to email can help you save time, you’ll start thinking of even more creative ways to put it to use.

We’ve compiled a short list of suggestions to get you started with your voicemail-to-email service.


Stay in touch with your team no matter where you are. Until recently, sharing a voicemail required transferring the file from the device on which it was received. If there’s essential information in the message, you’ll need to drop what you’re doing, pull out your computer, compose an email, or make a phone call to transmit it. Voicemail to email allows you to forward your voicemail in its entirety. To keep your coworkers in the loop, send them the MP3 file.

Voicemails can be transcribed as notes in a customer relationship management (CRM) system, making them accessible to sales and support staff. A shared understanding of the caller’s needs and how to meet them improve further contact with that customer or prospect.

Get your inbox in order!

Response times and customer satisfaction go up when crucial messages, including voicemails from customers or partners, go straight to your inbox. Even if some individuals don’t pay much attention to voicemail, everyone checks their email. Thus this seemingly insignificant change can have a significant impact.

Label your emails and create rules to automatically file certain types of messages into specified categories to save time sorting through your inbox. For example, you may organize your voicemail emails in a separate tab in Gmail.

Web automation apps like Zapier can also help you maintain an orderly inbox. Once you learn how to use them effectively, they can save a ton of time. When a voicemail arrives in your mailbox, you can do several actions with it. For instance, you might notice the appropriate people, file the voicemail away or create tasks in your customer relationship management system. It’s similar to setting up filters or rules in an email client, except that you’ll integrate third-party software now.

Web automation programs have a steep learning curve, but they’re incredibly intuitive once you get the hang of them.

Avoid Leaving Pointless Voicemails

A little forethought and using complementary VoIP services can eliminate the need for the vast majority of voicemails. For example, using service flags, you may customize your voicemail greeting so that callers know precisely when and why you won’t be able to take their call. In addition, the auto attendant and time limitations can be bypassed by using a VoIP feature called a “service flag,” which provides callers with timely and relevant information about your company.

If you’re going to be out of the office for the week, for instance, you may put a service flag on the days you won’t be available to let people know when you’ll be gone and when you’ll be back and how they can reach you if they absolutely must. This is a great solution when business hours are unpredictable due to holidays.

Take Advantage of VoIP’s Voicemail-to-Email Features

Voicemail programs are available for purchase, but feedback from users suggests they don’t perform as well as a dedicated VoIP service that forwards messages to email. Further, unlike a standalone app, a service provider will give you support and access to many capabilities, allowing you to build a communications strategy intended for growth.

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