Metasploit Tutorial – Exploitation Techniques, Configuration With Nessus, and the Single Vulnerability View


In this Metasploit tutorial, you’ll learn about the knowledge base, Exploitation techniques, Configuration with Nessus, and the Single vulnerability view. Once you’ve mastered these tools, you’ll be ready to begin your own pentesting projects. Depending on your skills, you might even want to start a professional security company, or simply work as a security researcher.

Metasploit’s knowledge base

Metasploit’s extensive knowledge base is a great resource for hackers. It features exploits and quick start guides as well as information about vulnerabilities and their fixes. In addition, the knowledge base also includes information on exploitation techniques, which helps hackers identify the most vulnerable systems and mitigate these risks.

In the past, pen testers had to manually write their own code and perform probes. Then, they had to introduce this code into the target’s network. And, there was no way to conduct remote testing, which limited the reach of security specialists to the local area or to companies with in-house IT specialists.

A pentest report should document the results. Metasploit offers a variety of reports that summarize the most significant findings of the pentest. The reports are organized by section and include charts with statistics.

Exploitation techniques

Metasploit offers various methods for exploiting an operating system. These techniques include the use of exploit modules, advanced options, and the Meterpreter. Using these techniques, you can find out more about the security vulnerabilities on the target computer. The exploit selection options help you choose which ports are included in the attack, as well as which ones are excluded. You can also configure the timeout for each exploit.

The payload modules are used to deliver shell code to the targeted system after penetration. This payload can be a static script or a Meterpreter. The latter is particularly useful because it enables the tester to write their own DLLs, which are useful for developing exploit capabilities. Another popular payload module is the NOPS generator, which generates random bytes to bypass intrusion detection and prevention systems. In addition to the payload modules, Metasploit also features a global data store and modules that are specific to particular exploits.

The vulnerability exploit module is a powerful technique that helps you find vulnerabilities in an unprotected system. It can find hidden vulnerabilities that other systems have overlooked. Once you know how to find these, you can exploit the system.

Configuration with Nessus

Configuration with Nessus in Metasploit involves configuring both the server and the client applications. Once the server is set up, the attacker can configure the scanner to scan single IP addresses or entire blocks of IP addresses. The scan time depends on the number of IP addresses and plug-ins used, as well as the network throughput.

Nessus is a security scanning tool that checks software and hardware for known vulnerabilities. It also watches running processes for strange behavior and monitors network traffic patterns. It acts as a kind of firewall and anti-virus system. The software also comes with remediation procedures, though these aren’t comprehensive.

The scanning process takes a few minutes, and once it is complete, the vulnerability scan reports are presented to the user via the Nessus Client application. This application presents the information in a variety of formats and gives the user detailed information about the vulnerability. It also provides links to additional information.

Single vulnerability view

In the single vulnerability view, you can view a list of exploits. By clicking the Exploit button, you can configure the module and deliver the payload to your target. You can choose a command payload or an interpreter payload. Both payloads will deliver malware, but you’ll want to be sure you’re targeting a specific type of host or network before proceeding.

During a vulnerability scan, you’ll see a list of vulnerabilities and credentials on a single host. This information can help you find potential attack vectors and build your attack plan. This is a great tool for hammering home the importance of email hygiene. You can also perform simulated phishing attacks to further impress your team on the importance of maintaining a good email hygiene policy.

For a deeper dive, you can also use MetaModules to automate security tasks. These modules test for security vulnerabilities in various ways, including default credentials and firewall ports. You can also use Metasploit’s advanced feature to write your own exploits and modules.