Is Drinking Going Out of Fashion?


There is a growing trend among millennials and Gen Z to abstain from alcohol, and this shift is becoming more common. The burgeoning wellness movement and an increasing desire for social gatherings that focus less on alcohol have contributed to this trend. While alcohol use is still a part of the culture, millennials and Gen Z are leading the change toward abstinence.

Celebrities modifying their drinking habits

No shortage of celebrities has gotten sober. Many of them are sober to help others struggling with alcoholism or addiction. Others are sober because they want to be more transparent. Some are even surprising the public by getting sober. For example, in April 2021, Kelly Osbourne revealed she had relapsed after becoming sober. During the scandal, she sought treatment.

Impact of alcohol on business

While it is not possible to predict the full effect of alcohol abuse on a business, there are some indicators to look out for. For example, employees who regularly consume alcohol may be less productive and more likely to experience an injury on the job. They may also have a higher chance of committing mistakes or losing work. Additionally, the presence of alcohol-affected employees in the workplace can negatively impact the company’s financial results.

Different approaches are used to estimate the economic cost of alcohol consumption. Although some methods overlap, they are complementary and appropriate for different purposes. For example, the human capital approach aims to estimate the costs of alcohol in the economy by using estimates of present and future alcohol-relateOner hand, demograpdemographic methods look at past alcohol-related mortality rates and the monetary value of alcohol use.

The cost of alcohol consumption and its consequences on business is enormous. For example, in 1983, alcohol abuse cost the American economy $117 billion, and nonalcoholic drug abuse cost $60 billion. These costs include lost productivity, lost employment, lost profits, and health care expenses. Alcohol abuse also contributes to the high cost of healthcare for elderly individuals, which is a significant burden on the economy. Additionally, alcohol abuse is especially problematic for minority populations, including Hispanics, blacks, and Native Americans.

Impact on learning

There are a variety of factors that may influence drinking, including socialization and environmental selection. Students may not drink as much as nonstudents, but the consequences are similar. Alcohol consumption may prevent students from engaging in critical thinking and listening. Additionally, drinking alcohol may inhibit students from achieving their goals.