How to Use Duct Tape


Duct tape is a reliable solution for quick repairs or crafting emergency solutions quickly. First created during World War II, its versatility has long made it one of the go-to items.

Rubber, cloth, and silver backing are used to construct tape; each component imparts strength and durability to the finished product. Scrim or scrim fabric, gives this tape its strength.

Bandaging Wounds

Duct tape can be an effective bandage solution, adhering securely to itself while holding gauze or clean cloth over cuts or scrapes, protecting skin from dirt, and other irritants, and helping stop bleeding until medical help arrives.

An umbrella can also serve as a makeshift tourniquet, although its performance will likely fall short of commercial models. But in an emergency, it may work!

Multiple strips of duct tape can be used to create an effective sling for an injured arm. Just cut pieces to match the length of your arm and connect diagonally on either side with more tape; this will help keep your arm secure until medical help arrives.

Splinting Bones

Whether it comes in bright tie-dye purple or plain old gray hue, duct tape can make for a practical first aid tool. Just be mindful that its adhesive grip may stick much more strongly than regular band-aids and could leave adhesive residue or damage the skin if misused.

Duct tape’s adhesive qualities can also come to the rescue when dealing with pesky splinters. One reader reported how applying some flexible tape directly over a shallow splinter helped remove it easily without using tweezers or needles. Duct tape can even be used as an effective splint material – ensure it loose enough that bone movement occurs, yet tight enough not to cut off circulation – this is particularly crucial when covering fingers, toes, or wrists; make sure it is lightweight and comfortable wearing.

Making a Book Cover

As much as people love talking about how helpful duct tape can be for fixing things, it can also be helpful in creating crafts. For instance, creating book covers using this material is another possible use.

Start this project quickly by gathering an exciting piece of duct tape in an eye-catching hue, folding it until its height matches that of a textbook, then trimming off its corners so they don’t protrude from its sides.

Books tend to suffer the most wear on their corners and edges, and this homemade cover will help to protect the pages and make the book sturdier while adding an original flair. Make it part of a classroom textbook or paperback series!

Reattaching a Photo Frame Leg

Stormy weather often results in broken windows shattering and breaking, which poses serious threats to children. Crisscrossing broken window glass with duct tape can help hold it together and decrease the chance of sharp shards falling out and cutting someone.

Duct tape can serve as a temporary hem on jeans that are difficult to sew and as makeshift clotheslines when traveling – keeping clothing off of the ground and away from pests!

Aimee from It’s Overflowing has discovered an innovative method for hanging picture frames using duct tape. First, mark where you would like the top edge of the frame to sit on the wall. Next, apply a strip of tape along this mark with the help of a spirit level before attaching your picture frame directly onto it.

Making a Clothesline

Reader’s Digest suggests a quick and effective method for creating a clothesline in either your camping trip or backyard: twist duct tape into a rope form and attach it between two trees to support weighted clothing during rainstorms without fear of slipperiness or falls.

Medical News Today reports that duct tape can help remove deep splinters. Simply clean the area, wrap the splinter in tape, wait 30 minutes, and pull it off to help stop its movement through your body. While pulling it off may cause slight pain, duct tape could prevent further spread.